Compressed Data: Having Customers Say No to Tap Water
New York Times - 8/20/01

By David F. Gallagher,staff writer
It is no secret that the Coca-Cola Company would like
to sell the world more Coke. But some Web surfers were
still taken aback recently by the candor of an article
on one of the company's Web sites. 

The article, which Coca-Cola has since removed, was
part of a site created for restaurants that sell the
company's drinks. It explained how Coca-Cola had
helped the Olive Garden chain reduce "tap water

Coca-Cola had worked with Olive Garden, owned by
Darden Restaurants, to develop a program called H2NO,
which taught restaurant workers how to discourage
customers from sticking with plain old unprofitable

"Because of its own successful campaign against
water," the article said, "the Olive Garden has
recently sent a powerful message to the entire
restaurant industry — less water and more beverage
choices mean happier customers."

Rob Cockerham of Sacramento discovered the article
last month through a Web search engine and posted a
link to it on his personal site, Cockeyed.com. "I had
to assure more than one person that this was not a
prank, and that it was a real article from Coca-Cola,"
he said. 

Word of the article spread to several Web logs — sites
that link to and comment upon interesting Web
discoveries. Many commentators ridiculed the article's
suggestion that the fight against water was intended
to make customers happier, and that higher profits
were merely "a side effect." 

"This is awesome," Matthew Haughey commented in a
posting on another Web site MetaFilter.com. "It's what
corporations say to each other behind customers'
backs, only it happens to be on the Web where mortals
can see it."

But not for long. About a week after the Cockeyed.com
link was posted, the article disappeared from
Coca-Cola's Web servers. Polly Howes, a spokeswoman
for Coca- Cola, said the company was concerned that
the article, written three years ago, might be
misinterpreted by "folks who aren't in a sales-related

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