Is Westwood the neighborhood in LA, or the town up in
the mountains? It's tough to get 100 people together
for *anything* in Chico...

--- Marta Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tim Bousquet wrote:
> > 
> > There was an anti-war demonstration in Chico
> today,
> > attended by about 100 people. 
> snip here is the report from la
> A successful anti-war march occurred today, Saturday
> Sept 29 in 
> Westwood.  In fact there were two actions, one 
> downtown that was more 
> concerned with the anti-globalization movement and
> the one in Westwood.
> Over 2500 hundred came to the rally and march.  The
> Federal Building
> shut 
> down its parking lot, always open on the weekends
> for 3 dollars so
> people 
> had to find parking in the crowded Westwood area. 
> Which meant that
> the 
> rally built slowly but at its peak, 2500 (or so)
> headed out on a
> permitted 
> march through Westwood.
> A loud and spirited march with various chants, "We
> don't want your
> racist 
> war" among others.  The march was heavily attended
> my many who do not 
> usually come out to these events.   Quite a lot of
> students and young people.
> The International Action Center deservers credit for
> doing the nitty
> gritty 
> work of getting permits, making banners etc and the
> Peace Coalition
> for 
> many of the logistical problems.
> All went well and it is a good beginning to a
> movement to help
> enlighten 
> the public on the real issues in regards to the WTC
> disaster and what
> are 
> the real ways to deal with it.
> This was already  the second anti-war rally, as a
> smaller group  put
> on an 
> similar event last week and that group is still
> active.
> There are also other coalitions forming, students,
> people of color and 
> others to organize against a coming war.
> So we should all at least coordinate our activities
> and combine them
> when 
> necessary.
> John Johnson
> Change-Links Progressive Newspaper
> Subscribe to our list server. Email 
> (818) 982-1412
> Cell (818) 681-7448.
> > __________________________________________________
> >
> Marta Russell
> author, Los Angeles, CA
> Beyond Ramps: Disability at the End of the Social
> Contract

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