Stephen E Philion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 

> What is your problem anyway? 

 it's pretty simple:  henwood kicked me off his list  after i criticized the 
hitchens' "kerry"  comments downloaded by henwood himself.  you were there. so 
shouldn't have the question been what's henwood's problem? what made him rise 
to the defense of hitchens? you know what my answer is.  i actually don't think 
there has been much to bite on in terms of henwood's comments on the crisis, 
including hitchens' take of it.  and what's your problem--you rose to the 
defense of henwood's take on USAS; i submitted some simple and non polemical 
criticism, and you let it drop. what's your problem? do you think i am paranoid 
about the possibility of hidden protectionism after the phase out of the MFA? 
what does the recent decision on steel indicate to you? 

what nonsense to  be playing out on this
> list at this time....

have you noticed that the leading leftist business observers have had almost 
nothing to say about the political economy of the middle east--the role of OPEC 
with the emergence of non OPEC oil and the Caspian region, energy companies, 
concessions, petrodollar recycling and the role it has played in the bond 
market, pricing of oil in dollars, gargantun arms deals. to me these silences--
the result of sanctioned ignorance--speak volumes. there's no citing, much less 
updating,  of the work of a cyrus bina or simon bromley or m masserrat. the 
discussion has been pretty low level, hardly any interest in raising it.  

by the way, have you seen the latest MERIP. I haven't seen it yet, i am anxious 
to know what sadowski has written about the political economy of us policy in 
saudi arabia. 


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