hitchens refers to "my website http/peterk" so i thought peterk was the name 
hitchens used for his website address. i just saw the exchange between doug,  
ian and kelley on lbo in which hitchens is cited.  didn't realize that by 
referring to "my website" hitchens was not referring to a website that he had 
put up himself but one that "peter k"  has put up in his honor (i hadn't read 
to the bottom of the hitchens' website, only looked at the picture and a few of 
the lead titles). 

it turns out that peter k is not an offical spokesperson for or voice of 
hitchens though hitchens does refer to the website as his. one finds this out 
at the bottom of the website.  so since peter k is not hitchens' offical 
spokesperson or an internet name for hitchens, i take back the criticism of 
hitchens for having referred to his critics as gnats and pygmies and having 
relied on wm safire to defend his comments on bob kerrey. it just seems that 
hitchens has something of a reactionary fan, named peter k. he can't be blamed 
for that. i still think hitchens' distortion of chomsky's views was 
unconscionable. And I find justifiable my response  to the hitchens' comments 
on kerrey that henwood had downloaded. 


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