Mark in the apoplectic mode contends:

"The truth"about Doug 'I'm no pacifist' Henwood is that he, too, is in
favour of US policy, that is, Henwood favours the policy of bombing Afghan
towns and cities, he favours the random and/or mass slaughter of Afghanis,
he favours the destruction of whatever remains of the social
in Afghanistan, in short he favours the kind of war of exterminism which
for example the Russian state has carried out in Chechya in recent years.
The collapse of Afghan society as a result of the combined efforts of  US
bombing and the insertion of Russian ground forces, troops, tanks etc,
under the Northern Alliance flag, is creating not just a humanitarian
catastrophe but prime-time genocide in Afghanistan. Henwood does support
this ongoing genocide.

--Wierd, on other lists I've not seen any evidence of this. He's
challenged the likes of Leo Casey on LBO and Soc. Register List, disagreed
with Max Sawicky on the LBO list on the current bombing campaign.
Any evidence that Doug supports the current  bombing campaign or is this
just one more of a series of smears?


Stephen Philion
Lecturer/PhD Candidate
Department of Sociology
2424 Maile Way
Social Sciences Bldg. # 247
Honolulu, HI 96822

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