MJ:  "The truth"about Doug 'I'm no pacifist' Henwood is that he, too, is in 
favour of US policy, that is, Henwood favours the policy of bombing Afghan 
towns and cities, he favours the random and/or mass slaughter of Afghanis, 
he favours the destruction of whatever remains of the social infrastructure 
in Afghanistan, in short he favours the kind of war of exterminism which 

mbs:  There is no evidence that 'bombing towns and cities', random
and/or mass slaughter, or 'destruction of whatever . . . ' are policies
of the USG, nor that they have been carried out.  This is simple hysteria
for the consumption of one-note anti-imperialists.  One could imagine
cogent critiques of the U.S. campaign, but not any beginning as above.
One could even connect the Russian campaign to U.S. machinations,
thanks to Zbig's zbig mouth.  Why engage in this sort of b.s.?

MJ: for example the Russian state has carried out in Chechya in recent years. 
The collapse of Afghan society as a result of the combined efforts of  US 
bombing and the insertion of Russian ground forces, troops, tanks etc, 
under the Northern Alliance flag, is creating not just a humanitarian 
catastrophe but prime-time genocide in Afghanistan. Henwood does support 

mbs:  there were more indications (false, as it turned out) of impending
genocide in Kosova than thus far in Afgh.

MB: this ongoing genocide. He is a 'voter for war credits', a person who has 
surely lost any shred of credibility as a spokesman of the left. You cannot 
be of the left while supporting US genocide in Afghanistan. Now, weasel 
words about supporting this or that "bit of" a policy can not help him 
slide out his moral complicity in the US genocidal assault on Afghanistan, 
and  no self-serving caveats about being against bombing but in favour of 
oher kinds of administering death should blind us to the truth of his 
politics: it is a cowardice and an instinct for personal survival, nothing 
more, that motivates it.

mbs:  how DH's article advances his 'personal survival' is beyond me.
The way to do that would be to follow Hitchens.  Unless one reasons
that supporting a campaign against terrorism might mitigate against
further attacks on NYC that threaten DH directly.  I guess this is what
Huey Newton meant by revolutionary suicide.

MJ: When assessing 'the truth' of Henwood's politics, let us begin with this 
obvious fact -- the man is simply a craven apologist for exterminism, for 
US imperialism in its newest and most lethal guise.
Mark Jones

mbs:  one might be tempted to invoke the WWII analogy if one hadn't
spent some time here on PEN-L and learned that the justice of WWII 
is a controversial matter.  So let us invoke the October revolution and
ask whether it is possible that innocents were not harmed, and whether
in light of that, the revolution was rendered invalid.  If not, then we have
a kind of selective pacifism at work here (not a new thing, BTW).  No
violence by the U.S. state can be justified, and any violence by anything,
and I do mean 'thing,' against the U.S. state is properly met, for all
practical purposes, with indifference.

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