I know about the splits.  I think that much that Churchill says is
interesting.  When he came to Chico, he behaved badly -- very arrogant
towards the students who invited him.

On Mon, Dec 03, 2001 at 12:53:40PM -0500, Doug Henwood wrote:
> Michael Perelman wrote:
> >1. Churchill is a Native American, who has written extensively about the
> >Holocaust of Native Americans.  His thesis has not been warmly received.  So I
> >can understand why he may express some insensitivity about the slaughter of
> >Americans -- even if some of the "Americans" were not really Americans are
> >all.
> >
> >2. Churchill's strong language makes for easy criticism, but once Churchill is
> >picked off, then the pressure put on people like my colleague, George Wright,
> >for making a couple statements that were taken out of context, becomes
> >acceptable.  The attack on freedom of speech always begins at the margin.
> On Ward Churchill, opinions differ. From an interview with Vernon 
> Bellecourt 
> <http://www.imdiversity.com/Article_Detail.asp?Article_ID=2437>:
> Vernon: What is behind it is the same FBI orchestrated program using 
> agents willing or unwilling or knowing people like Ward Churchill, 
> Russell Means and Bob Robideau in particular. Those three have 
> started this disinformation campaign by attacking the leadership of 
> AIM, making wild allegations. Now what you have to understand about 
> Ward Churchill...this man is still under investigation (we publish 
> reports of our investigation on our website under ministry of 
> information). This man claims to have served in Vietnam as an 
> information specialist. Now, if one would analyze what information 
> specialists did in Vietnam...they were actually misinformation 
> specialists putting out misinformation to set up assassinations of 
> Vietnam leaders, etc. When he got out of the military (in his own 
> writing) he states this. What we are maintaining is that this guy is 
> part of a misinformation campaign. In answer to your question, what 
> he tends to do is take 5% fact and mix it with 95% bullshit and stirs 
> it up to the point where people out there begin to question our 
> message. In other words they begin to question the messenger rather 
> than read the message.
> Now that was picked up by the Native News outlets and Native American 
> press here in Minneapolis. I have a lawsuit that is moving through 
> the courts because they have now become part of the misinformation 
> campaign. That is, the writer here, Joe Geshick has admitted being an 
> associate of Ward Churchill. Joe Geshick also attended those sham 
> tribunals in California. And it seems to be that the 10 or 12 people 
> that are all lined up with Ward Churchill, seemingly are all behind 
> this misinformation campaign, who previously almost every month or so 
> accused someone else of being implicit in the death of Anna Mae. 
> First it was John Trudell, then it was myself. And now they are 
> suggesting it is Dennis Banks.
> Now this is a very important point in response to your question. 
> About 7 years ago, after having looked through files of documents, I 
> called a man named Gordon Regguinti, who was the editor of the Circle 
> newspaper here in Minneapolis, and Paul Demain, editor of News from 
> Indian Country. I invited them over to my house. I sat them down and 
> I start putting all these documents in front of them. I said, "you 
> know Paul, I get a sense that a lot of journalists, particularly 
> Indian journalists, you can dangle news right under their noses and 
> they can not see or smell a story when it is put right in front of 
> them. But here is what I think," and I start telling them about the 
> attacks Ward Churchill was launching.
> How Ward Churchill had gotten Russell Means to meet with the CIA in 
> Virginia. Later, under director of Ward Churchill and Glen Morris, 
> Russell Means entered in from Costa Rica to Nicaragua with the CIA 
> sponsored contra, and in fact actually caused the death of Miskito 
> Indians. When we confronted Ward Churchill with that, he and Russell 
> Means came back and accused us --that is, Bill Means, myself and 
> Clyde---of causing the deaths of Miskito Indians. There were people 
> that were with them, and they know for a fact that it was Russell 
> means that in fact caused a Miskito Indian village to be bombed with 
> several people being killed. But what happens with this 
> misinformation campaign, whenever they're confronted, they come back 
> and make the same accusations--such as accusing me of being an FBI 
> agent, accusing my brother of being an FBI agent. It is a typical 
> misinformation campaign.
> [...]
> Vernon: Let me deal with that this way. First of all, based on our 
> investigations, me pouring through all these different documents, 
> Ward Churchill, who was a white man, IS a white man, arrived on the 
> scene, according to his own words: "teaching" the Rapid City police 
> department about AIM. You could take the word "teaching" out of it, 
> put [in] "informing," very easily. And that's exactly what he was. 
> And that is what he is today. He admits to being this white man 
> standing behind the hill from Porcupine on June 26th, [1975] [-] 
> being behind the hill from Porcupine, urinating against the hill when 
> he witnessed these FBI federal marshalls, BIA police with armored 
> personnel carriers in Vietnamese war type uniforms doing a sweep. 
> Right? Was that just a coincidence? Wouldn't it make more sense that 
> Clyde or Dennis Banks might be behind a hill? What's this white man 
> doing there? He was on the periphery. When you look at other people 
> that fit a pattern as I suggested, you see Dave Hill. Someone has to 
> take a real serious look at that. I am looking at documents right 
> now. A list of fingerprints found inside Jumping Bull. Dave Hill 
> appears.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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