Bonjour. The perpetual come back of "the question of profit rate" is a theoretical fascinating thing. It means that this question is not yet resolved, despite the abundant litterature about it. Do you remember Marx's question ("WO kommt das Geld zur Versilberung des Mehwerts her?" zw.B, 20.K) which he never answered (as Rosa Luxemburg realized it) ? There, is the trouble.
If surplus value is not included in added value per capita, but in the multiplication of added value, the problem is resolved. The mean profit rate is then nothing but growth rate. And as growth rate decreases, in crisis periods, the theory of trend of lowering profit rate is verified. And as such a profit depends on expansionism, the Marxian and Luxemburgian hypothesis of the "limit" is verified, too. I have tried a model on this hypothesis, and it works (it can be visited at, under the title "Asymmetry and accumulation, or World System's entropy"). Isn't it time to admit that Rosa Luxemburg was right against Lenin, on the subject of accumulation and imperialism? Cordially Romain Kroës