CB: Here's my proposal for defining a qualitatively new phase of imperialism:

1) The scientific and technological revolution especially in transportation and 
communication "machinery" has resulted in Marx's "cooperation" turning into its 
opposite, being overcome by machinery. The capitalist do not have to group large 
numbers of workers in large factories to maximize the extraction of relative surplus 
value( See Marx's discussion of relative surplus value and the factory system in 
_Capital_ I). This technological development allowed the capitalists to geographically 
and territorially scatter the points of production., undermining the classic Leninist 
factory scenario , the workers' direct sensing of their strength in numbers , working 
class ghettos

2) The military interimperialist rivalry, world wars between imperialists of Lenin's 
day has been turned into its opposite , a relative military unity and alliance due to 
the imperialist response to the Soviet Union, and other socialist and nationally 
liberated countries, i.e. the imperialist hot and cold wars against them. AND the 
collapse of the Soviet center of that system.

3) The Mark Jones thesis of crisis in production of the strategic resource, oil.

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