Hey good start ;;;;As to these issues one may say:
1)It may be said that the closer workers are brought
together via improved means of communications, and
literally a smaller world, the bigger the springboard
for cooperation in an ever bigger proletariat. Also
The development of machinery through integrating
movable and static energy parts dictated by the drive
to produce, implies at one extreme a fusion of
artificial with human intelligence. this may not make
a commodity produce a commodity, but where technology
is higher, the relative surplus value might reach new
heights. A cybernetic highly socialized worker is
happening in the west while horse carts are the trade
mark of the east. the rift is too great, so is the
wage, and working classes in the west attach their
immediate interests to the miserization of the poor in
the east. nationalism, which as Balibar said is always
tainted with racism rises to the fore, ever serving
the interests of capital.

2)that never ceded it is just detente with a
deterrent. well it may be argued that it is the
overwhelming first strike capacity of the USA that
deals that one in. some argued convincingly that the
collapse of the USSR was nothing less than losing the
capacity to effectively deter against an American
first strike.

3) Edward Schaffer's "Oil and imperialism" sometimes
in the fifties talks about this thesis. things can get

this leaves the shape of resistance since western left
was unable bridge the working class divide. now that
workers' pensions and savings are part and parcel of
capital they too get fight capital's battle under
nationalism. the real qualitative difference is in
steeper world working class divisions where the toil
of one class is the booty of another. let us not
forget that on the human side it is  far worst now
than any other time and the richer working classes do
not budge as always when blood is spilled in the
colonies. and upon closer examination the now in vogue
suicide attackers cannot be explained outside of this
social context.

> CB: Here's my proposal for defining a qualitatively
> new phase of imperialism:
> 1) The scientific and technological revolution
> especially in transportation and communication
> "machinery" has resulted in Marx's "cooperation"
> turning into its opposite, being overcome by
> machinery. The capitalist do not have to group large
> numbers of workers in large factories to maximize
> the extraction of relative surplus value( See Marx's
> discussion of relative surplus value and the factory
> system in _Capital_ I). This technological
> development allowed the capitalists to
> geographically and territorially scatter the points
> of production., undermining the classic Leninist
> factory scenario , the workers' direct sensing of
> their strength in numbers , working class ghettos
> 2) The military interimperialist rivalry, world wars
> between imperialists of Lenin's day has been turned
> into its opposite , a relative military unity and
> alliance due to the imperialist response to the
> Soviet Union, and other socialist and nationally
> liberated countries, i.e. the imperialist hot and
> cold wars against them. AND the collapse of the
> Soviet center of that system.
> 3) The Mark Jones thesis of crisis in production of
> the strategic resource, oil.

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