Who said the following:

1)"Economic theorists may have to become as much philosophers as

a)Frank Hahn
b)Wassily Leontif
c)Jack Hirshleifer
d)Roger Sugden

2)'[T]he evolution of economics as an academic profession is a case of
lock-in comparable to the peacock's tail. Sets of genes producing the
beautiful tail in the mail, and making it sexually attractive to the
female, are mutually reinforcing, and become selected because of the
greater progeny involved. However, there is no useful function
performed: no enhancement of fitness in terms of finding food or
escaping predators...Just as the beautiful tail evolves with the
peacock, economics has evolved an ever more intricate and beautiful
mathematical formalism, similarly with no functional advantage for the
development for economic policy."

a)Geoffrey Hodgson
b)Karla Hoff
b)Philip Mirowski
d)Warren Samuels

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