>I understand there is a new edition of this coming out.
>I'm thinking of doing a piece on it and would like to know
>of references to other works that refer or react directly
>to O'Connor's book.

1. a long footnote reference in Mario Cogoy, International Journal of 
Political Economy, vol 17, no 2 (1987) see last article.

2. i believe that there was an article by james miller in review of 
radical political economy analyzing different marxist theories of the 

3. i believe o connor has had a close relationship with the german 
state theorist claus offe, so the latter may have some interesting 
discussion somewhere of o connor

4. bob jessop makes brief reference to o  connor in his state: 
putting capitalist states in their place. Jessop attempts to replace 
o'connor's dual categorization of state expenditures in terms  either 
'accumulation' or 'legitimation' with the couplet 'accumulation 
strategy' and 'hegemonic project'.

5. best of all is o'connor's own attempt to locate his state theory 
vis a vis other theories in The Meaning of Crisis: A Theoretical 
Introduction, pp. 99ff.

criticizing mattick, o connor argues that state expenditures are 
socialized forms of capital costs. by this i think he means that the 
state pools surplus value from individual capitalists and then 
invests it on their behalf in the form of public forms of constant 
capital the value of which is thus somehow transferred to the 
commodity output, so that capitalists recover the surplus value that 
had been extorted by the state.

but several problems:

a. if the state borrows, it owes interest. where does the money to 
back the interest come from?

b. how is the value of roads and harbors transferred by workers to 
commodities that are owned by private capitalists?

c. what happens in the case of the state building useless 
infrastructure (like in Japan today) or arms? How are these costs 
transferred to the commodity output?


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