[Yet to see a piece that challenges the legal form
by which corporations are constituted under the law as the
real source of the problem]

Bush, the corporations' flag-carrier

Enron's collapse exposes the folly of his cash-for-influence

Julian Borger
Tuesday January 15, 2002
The Guardian

The familiar paraphernalia of political scandal is being
assembled in Washington. At the last count, two criminal
inquiries and six congressional hearings were scheduled on
the Enron scandal. In the legislature, reduced by the war on
terrorism to the role of cheerleader, everyone wants to be a
part of it.

Both parties know how the rituals of scandal can define a
presidency. Reagan managed to shrug off most of the damage
caused by the Iran-contra affair, while Clinton was
overwhelmed by the Monica Lewinsky saga and is unlikely to
have an airport named after him.

Now it is George Bush's turn. Enron, a gigantic Texan energy
trading firm and the biggest single sponsor of his political
career, collapsed dramatically last month amid allegations
of fraud and insider trading. The inquiries will ask
familiar questions: what did the administration know and
when did it know it? Was there a cover-up and did the Bush
team help?

These are the staples of Washington scandal, but this time
they may be the wrong questions. They focus on whether
anyone in the administration broke the rules. The whole
point of the Enron affair is that it discredits the rules of
the game. It exposes the institutionalised corruption at the
heart of US politics - a casual exchange of money and power
that Bush has made his trademark.

The seamy subject of campaign finance briefly captured the
attention of the US electorate in the early months of the
Bush presidency when it was apparent that big campaign
contributors were being paid back one presidential decree at
a time. Enron will bring it back into focus.

Investigators are poring over Enron's contacts with the
administration last autumn, when the company was fighting
for its life, looking for signs of illegal meddling in the
market. In fact, the big trade-off for the company's
campaign contributions was made months earlier.

Enron executives had six meetings with the vice-president,
Dick Cheney, and his staff when he was drawing up the
administration's energy plan in the spring, a fact that has
surfaced only since the company went bust. The White House
has refused to tell Congress which other industrial magnates
it consulted in drawing up the plan, which is broadly
speaking a polluters' charter. Few, if any,
environmentalists were invited.

This is precisely how Bush mixed business and politics when
he was governor of Texas. The oil and gas companies who
supported his candidacy were given free rein, at secret
meetings with Bush officials, to write their own rules when
it came to state policy on emissions control. They, not
surprisingly, chose a voluntary scheme with equally
unsurprising consequences for air quality in Texan cities.

Governor Bush introduced sweeping tort reform, making it
harder for ordinary Texans to sue corporations. And he
appointed Pat Wood, nominee of Enron's chairman, Ken Lay, as
head of the state's public utility commission, where he
promptly pushed ahead with the deregulation the energy
companies had been asking for. Last year, after Lay failed
to persuade the head of the federal energy regulatory
commission to agree to Enron's views, Bush gave Wood the
chairman's job.

Of course, this constant barter of cash for influence
represents politics as usual. Some Democrats also took
serious amounts from Enron, but as a party they are also
beholden to other interest groups, like unions and
minorities, tempering corporate control. In the president's
case, corporate influence appears almost unmitigated.

Bush has pushed through the biggest tax cuts in a
generation, heavily weighted to the wealthiest 5%, and
backed an economic stimulus package brimming with corporate
tax breaks and amnesties. This was marketed along with the
old palliative, the trickle-down effect: tax-breaks for
corporations and the wealthy create jobs further down the
economic food chain. Bush portrayed his policies as
anti-recessionary before September 11, and as downright
patriotic afterwards. The message was a familiar one. What's
good for Enron (or insert your corporate name here in return
for the appropriate campaign donation) is good for America.

The Enron debacle is potentially so dangerous for Bush
because it makes it painfully clear that the old equation
does not hold. The Enron executives got rich even as their
company was plunging into the abyss, taking its employees
with it.

It is the ultimate nightmare for the corporate welfare
state, for which Bush has made himself flag-carrier in
chief. The executives in this case have shown themselves to
be anything but patriotic. They were revealed instead as
rapacious asset-strippers.

The Democratic party has to seize the Enron affair with both
hands. With the mid-term congressional elections about to
take off, it might just shake the nation out of its
patriotic trance and revive a debate over how US politics is
bought and paid for.


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