> I don't know if anyone is familiar with Darity's thesis about managerial
> society or the managerial mode of production, which he believes has
> developed out of capitalism. I am not sure if I agree that managerial
> society is a distinct mode of production that had superceded capitalism, 
> but I think the thesis that managerial capitalism is another stage of
> capitalism has something to it. In the managerial society, "experts" run
> things and the system is based on credentialism. I can find the cites if
> anyone';s interested. mat

This sounds a little like James Burnham, author of THE MANAGERIAL REVOLUTION
(1941). Burnham believed that rule by the experts was the shared
characteristic of fascism, Stalinism, and the New Deal. (In fact, he saw
managers as a new ruling class. BTW, I think this is partly based on the
Berle/Means thesis about the separation of ownership from corporate control
(to the advantage of the controllers).) Around the time of the publication
of that book, Burnham drastically changed his politics, going from being an
associate of Trotsky to being an editor of William F. Buckley's Joe

What I was thinking of is more along the line of rule by "experts" within
capitalism. Usually, when there's some type of emergency, the capitalist let
the "experts" rule. That doesn't mean they'd do a good job.


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