>From: "Justin Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>This confused. First of all, Marx adamantlt, savagely, and ruthlessly
>rejects egalitarianism and any appeal to to principles of justice. He is 
>an egalitarian. He also rejects justice as "shit." He mocks those who
>proceed from moralism to economics.

And he did so, it seems clear, so he could scare the bejeebers out of 
capitalists, clobbering them with a materialistic dynamic of doom every bit 
as ineluctable as the march of science and technology.  Ultimately, though, 
Marxism is the morality that dare not speak its name.  I believe Marx falls 
squarely within the rabbinic tradition he was heir to -- a tradition he 
superficially spurned, being determined not to waste his time wringing his 
hands and delivering pious sermons that could be easily ignored.  To me, 
Marx makes no sense unless he is seen a prophet in the Old Testament mold:  
a real wild man, issuing savage, truly moralistic indictments of the corrupt 
society in which he lived.


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