Top Financial News

02/03 18:03
Argentina to Let Peso Float Against Dollar, Print 3.5 Bln Pesos
By Helen Murphy

Buenos Aires, Feb. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Argentina let its currency
float against the dollar and will convert all bank deposits and
loans into pesos in a bid to prevent a collapse of the financial
system and get new international loans.

President Eduardo Duhalde will issue a decree to turn all dollar
loans into pesos at a rate of one-to-one and all dollar deposits
at 1.4, Economy Minister Jorge Remes Lenicov said in televised
news conference. The peso will float against the dollar,
eliminating a dual exchange system that fixed the official rate
of exchange at 1.4 pesos per dollar for trade while allowing the
currency to trade freely at exchange houses.

``Argentina is bankrupt,'' Remes Lenicov said. ``These measures
are designed to defend Argentines' savings, the production system
and the financial system.''

The International Monetary Fund has called on Argentina to let
its peso float before it will consider new economic assistance.
Argentina is seeking as much as $20 billion in loans from the IMF
and other international lenders to prop up the banking system and
stabilize the economy.

The government will also print $3.5 billion of pesos to finance
Argentina's deficit. The president will allow account holders to
withdraw their full salaries instead of a limit of 1,500 pesos,
raising concern Argentines will rush to withdraw all their
salaries immediately. The central Bank called a bank holiday on
Monday and Tuesday.

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