Wishful thinking
by Justin Schwartz
11 February 2002 18:12 UTC  

Charles' headline implies that I wish that Marxism were dead, and that is 
why I hold this false belief. In fact I regret that it is dead. so if the 
belief is false, my adherence to it must have another explanation. Charles 
says that because Marxsim is true, itw ill be effective. That is a fallacy. 
Truth is neither necessary nor sufficient for efficacy. Moreover there is 
the fact that Marxism is discredited; and don't start on the electoral 
success of the former and remaining CPs in Russia and Eastern Europe, which 
are not Marxist or revolutionary in any sense. It's time to wake up, guys 
and gals. Godot aint coming (back). we have blaze our own trails, carry what 
we can from the wreck. jks


CB: No, no, Justin, I'm the one wishing in this thread. I'm putting forth a utopian 
socialism. Engels has turned into his opposite.

But seriously, I only meant that because Marxism is true, it has a tendency to  
fulfill itself. But there can be countervailing influences to this tendency. How this 
struggle will come out in the end is difficult to say. But I don't think you can count 
out a revival of Marxism, because its truths are confirmed everyday, say in Argentina. 
I mean the people in Argentina may be foreclosed from becoming Marxists or communists 
en masse today because of the specific anti-communist institutions that capitalism has 
built up in response to the SU and the first wave of socialist revolutions. But what 
about an Argentine depression in the next generation , when anti-communist 
institutions have faded, and people have no anti-communist trends like today. Marxism 
will seem like an amazinginly accurate description of what is happening to them. So, 
it is hard to count out Marxist revival forever , as you do.

Also, I would say that people looking at history with objective eyes will not say that 
Marxism is discredited at all, but confirmed more than all other historical theories. 
This can only increase the chances that there will grow mass enthusiasm for it again 
in the future.

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