At  2/13/2002, you wrote:

>3) Verticalism....
>This begs the question of how a mass organization can truly reflect the
>views of the masses.

This is indeed a key question. In my view, a top-down organization is not 
very likely to "reflect the views of the masses". As I see it, these views 
will get reflected only when the masses themselves  participate actively in 
the discussion, distilling, and presentation of their views. You certainly 
don't need a group of paternalistic iluminati to reflect the masses' views 
for you.

This is precicely the discussion taking place in many of the 55 plus 
neighborhood assemblies in Buenos Aires today. There is a strong emphasis 
on maintaining the horizontal organization. People have been screwed over 
by representatives (of every political colour) and no longer want to 
delegate "the views of the masses" to representatives.

Left parties, of course, have so far been unable to grasp this (since 
horizontalism is antithetical to their organization and thinking), and 
their participation in assemblies trying to steer them this (predetermined) 
direction and that is understandably causing quite a lot of resentment.


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