Policy Think Tank Releases New Report on Cuba's
Successful Organic Farms

"To understand Cuban agricultural development we must
first look at the richness of detail in this volume.
Then we   have to step back and squint to capture the
truly novel pathway of development that Cuba is
pioneering. And then  once again we have to focus in
on the details, and glimpse the processes through
which Cuba is creating something truly new and hopeful
for all of humanity." -Professor Richard Levins,
Harvard University School of Public Health

  OAKLAND, CA-Cuba's successful switch from
chemical-intensive to sustainable agriculture carried
the island nation back from the brink of a national
food crisis brought on by the 1990 collapse of trade
relations with the former socialist bloc. This
fascinating case demonstrates that organic agriculture
could actually work as the basis of an entire nation's
farming sector, putting the lie to the oft-repeated
myth that "organic farming could never feed the
world," according to a new book-length report issued
by Food First/The Institute for Food and Development
Policy, a food policy think tank.

  The multi-author report, Sustainable Agriculture and
Resistance: Transforming Food Production in Cuba, is
largely written by Cuban experts on agricultural
production, and represents the first time Cubans have
made public the details of this enormous agricultural

Los neoliberales que proclaman la inexistencia de las clases sociales y
por lo tanto de la lucha de clases, espuman de rabia cuando alguien no
cree en su discurso. Yo no espumo de rabia cuando escucho o leo
discursos que niegan la existencia de las clases sociales y de sus
conflictos. Es que descanso en la verdad histórica, mucho mayor que el
discurso frágil que pretende negarla.

- Paulo Freire
Tomado de "Cartas a Cristina"

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