G'day Penpals,

> Andrew Carnegie used to follow Rakesh's strategy.  It worked for him,
> but then
> the long term trend for steel was very strong.  Fiber optic cable ???

Carnagie was no fool.  I've thrown the whole $17.60 into arable land
over  clean brimming aquifers, geigercounters and crematoria with
working furnaces.

Sez Gene:

>What about Venezuela?  That looks to me like a classic CIA

U.S. cooking up a coup in Venezuela?
By Conn Hallinan
Special To The Examiner

THERE is the smell of a coup in the air these
days. It was like this in Iran just before the 1953
U.S.-backed coup overthrew
the Mossedeah government and installed the Shah.
It has the feel
 of 1963 in South Vietnam, before the military
takeover switched
on the light at the end of the long and terrible
Southeast Asian
tunnel. It is hauntingly similar to early
September 1973, before
the coup in Chile ushered in 20 years of blood
and darkness.

Early last month, the National Security Agency,
the Pentagon
and the U.S. State Department held a two-day
meeting on U.S.
policy toward Venezuela. Similar such meetings
took place in
1953, 1963, and 1973, as well as before coups in
Brazil and Argentina. It should send a deep chill
down the backs
of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and the
populist coalition
that took power in 1998.

The catalyst for the Nov. 5-7 interagency
get-together was a
comment by Chavez in the wake of the Sept. 11
terrorist assault
on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. While
Chavez sharply
condemned the attack, he questioned the value of
bombing Afghanistan, calling it "fighting terrorism with
terrorism."  Inresponse, the Bush administration temporarily
withdrew its ambassador and convened the meeting.
The outcome was a requirement that Venezuela
"unequivocally" condemn terrorism, including repudiating anything
and anyone the Bush administration defines as "terrorist." Since
this includes both Cuba (with which Venezuela has extensive
trade relations) and rebel groups in neighboring Colombia (to whom
Chavez is sympathetic), the demand was the equivalent of
throwing down the gauntlet.

The spark for the statement might have been
Sept. 11, but the dark clouds gathering over Venezuela have much
more to do with enduring matters -- like oil, land and power.

The Chavez government is presently trying to
change the 60-year-old agreement with foreign oil companies
that charges them as little as 1 percent in royalties and
hands out huge tax breaks. There is a lot at stake here. Venezuela
has 77 billion barrels of proven reserves and is the United
States' third-biggest source of oil. It is also a major
cash cow for the likes of Phillips Petroleum and ExxonMobil. If
the new law goes through, U.S. and French oil companies will have
to pony up a bigger slice of their take.

A larger slice is desperately needed in
Venezuela. Although oil generates some $30 billion each year, 80
percent of Venezuelans are, according to government figures,
"poor," and half of those are malnourished. Most rural
Venezuelans have noaccess to land except to work it for someone
else, because 2 percent of the population controls 60 percent of
the land ...
For entire article, see:



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