On the necessity of socialism
by Waistline2
26 February 2002 22:13 UTC   


Melvin: The Communist Pary USA did not exist one hundred years 
ago and it should have stated half a century ago. 


CB: I don't quite follow this. Please reiterate. 


Everyone must do what's in their heart. It you feel a neo-Roosevelt Coalition 
is the path forward - go for it. I undersstand Lenin's criticism differently. 
The Russian revolutionaries came to power on the basis of the slogan bread, 
land and peace. 


CB: Yes, in that case the "peace" part demonstrates involving the working masses in a 
poltical demand that is not as directly economic as "bread and land".

Of course, in Lowell , Mass, the women workers demanded "bread and roses" , as good 
Leninists :>)


If you feel that we can effect change in American with the slogan socialism or 
political slogans "go for it." 


CB: No, I think the article specifically discourages making "socialism" a slogan at 
this time, but sort reminds that it is communists' role to not let the socialism 
demand get completely buried.  In fact, the total picture of what Webb says would 
suggest a slogan closer to 1917, like " .....and peace"


I prefer things like food, shelter, rent subsidy and other things that allow 
the inital formation of the working class into a class for itself. Economism 
was a criticism directed at work in the trade unions. I am no longer working 
within the trade union movement and want to try my hand at the labor movement 
in general. 


CB: The non-economist idea is to demand both, not to drop food, shelter , rent 
subsidy, but to demand those and peace and freedom.


Perhaps in a day or two something on the totality of Sam Webb presentation 
forwarded to Pen and his preconvention presentation, although to my knowledge 
he is not claiming that his is a Marxist anaylsis. 


CB: Let me assure you that he is claiming that his is a Marxist analysis. 


Am I mistaken? 


CB: Yes. One thing is sure . He is claiming that he is giving a Marxist analysis.


I would 
rather not engage anyone in lenght who is outside Marxism, by their own 
confession. Right or wrong I confess the method of Marx and Engels conclusions 
as the first General strategist for the proletarrian forces.  


CB: Yes and after them Lenin. Webb's is claiming for a Marxist-Leninist approach.

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