Michael Perelman
> I don't agree with Romer [Roemer], but as Jim D.? observed, he probably
> more people to take a look at Marx.  If some of these people read Marx
> with intelligence, so much the better.

it's important to be careful with spelling here, since there are at least
two economists named "Romer." 

Anyway, it was Justin who said that Roemer "probably caused more people to
take a look at Marx" or something like that. I don't know if that encouraged
people to read Marx with intelligence. Instead, I think that there was a lot
of orthodox tut-tutting about "finally, here's a Marxist who speaks our
language. It's about time some of them came around." Others decided that
Roemer's method was a better way to understand the world than Marx's.
Morishima's work had a similar effect. (Phil Mirowski has a great book
review of Morishima in AGAINST MECHANISM.) 

Jim Devine

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