
MIT team tied to questionable missile studies

By David Abel, Globe Staff, 3/4/2002

A Pentagon agency, two major military contractors, and an independent
research team led by MIT scientists produced flawed studies that exaggerated
the success of a key test used to justify spending billions of dollars on
the fledgling national missile defense program, according to two reports
obtained by the Globe.

The long-awaited reports, to be released today by the General Accounting
Office, detail the flawed analysis of critical missile-defense technologies
provided by the contractors, Boeing Co. and TRW, verified by senior
researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Lincoln
Laboratory, and hailed by the Pentagon's recently renamed Missile Defense

In reports about a highly sophisticated sensor used in the first test of the
missile-defense program - a technology similar to one now designed for the
vital task of distinguishing decoys from warheads - contractors described
its performance as ''excellent'' and the overall test as a ''success.'' The
team directed by two MIT scientists, which evaluated the contractors'
reports of the test, pronounced them ''basically sound.'' And officials in
the Missile Defense Agency called the first test of the technology in space
''highly successful.''

Yet the review by the GAO, the investigative arm of Congress, found that
crucial elements of the 1997 test failed - prompting investigators to raise
questions about the oversight of a program that has already cost billions of
dollars and could, if the Bush administration has its way, ultimately cost
taxpayers as much as $238 billion, according to a recent estimate by the
Congressional Budget Office.

''The data are garbage - they had to use all these software shenanigans and
throw out two-thirds of the data to make it look like a success,'' said a
congressional source close to the GAO investigation. ''Up to now, there has
been no independent verification of the contractors' claims. This pulls out
the rug from those calling the test a success. By any definition, there's no
way to call it a success.''

The main defect in the test, according to the GAO, was that the infrared
sensor built by Boeing failed to cool to a sufficient temperature to
function properly. Also, the power supply of the sensor turned out to be
much louder than expected. The excess heat and noise, missile specialists
said, caused a significant distortion, by a factor of up to 200 times, in
the ability of the sensor to detect targets. As a result, the sensor often
detected targets where none existed.

The performance of the sensor is crucial because the planned land-based
national missile defense system might have only one chance to hit its
target. And once the military launches an antimissile against an incoming
ballistic missile, military analysts say they believe it would almost
certainly face a barrage of decoys. Moving at great speeds, it would have to
distinguish the fake from the real in a matter of minutes.

Regarding what became known in defense circles as the ''MIT study,'' a
review of the contractors' findings that the Pentagon used to champion
missile defense spending, the GAO faulted the team led by scientists at
Lincoln Lab for relying on data processed by TRW - instead of seeking the
contractor's raw data.

Although the team reported that TRW's sensor contained a few software
glitches, GAO investigators said the scientists' use of the processed data
allowed them to review only 14 of 54 seconds worth of data. The limited look
at the sensor's performance, according to the GAO, skewed the scientists'
review and led them to pronounce the sensor's software well designed and say
it worked properly.

The failure to review the raw data, investigators wrote in the report, means
''the team cannot be said to have definitively proved or disproved TRW's
claim that its software successfully discriminated the mock warhead from the

For MIT physicist Theodore Postol, a frequent critic of the Pentagon's
missile defense plans, the omissions of his colleagues and their stamp of
approval for the Missile Defense Agency amounts to scientific fraud. Postol
recently lodged complaints with the MIT Corporation about the study -
charging that the university's president, Charles M. Vest, knew of the
alleged misconduct and did nothing about it.

''This certainly has the appearance of a well-orchestrated fraud,'' Postol
said. ''The managers at Lincoln Lab either knew or should have known that
this experiment was a total failure - and they falsely represented it as a
success. The implications of that deceit could cost taxpayers hundreds of
billions of dollars.''

MIT officials did not return calls for comment. But Roger Sudbury, a
spokesman for Lincoln Lab, told the Globe last month that the
Lexington-based research arm of MIT received no complaints from contractors
or the Pentagon about their review, and he said, ''There is no evidence of

Lieutenant Colonel Rick Lehner, a spokesman for the Missile Defense Agency,
which oversees the Pentagon's effort to develop an overlapping air, land,
sea, and space-based missile shield, insisted that, as far as he knows, the
sensor guiding Boeing's ''kill vehicle'' worked as planned.

Still, in the scheme of the overall missile defense plan, he said, the 1997
test is irrelevant. Not long after the test, the Pentagon decided to use a
sensor built by Raytheon Corp., one with ''totally different'' technology
than the one designed by Boeing.

''I would guess our people will take issue with this report,'' Lehner said.
''At face value, the only thing I was told was that the Boeing kill vehicle
did discriminate against the decoys and warhead. Until the agency tells me
otherwise, I have to go with that.''

The GAO reports, requested by Representative Edward J. Markey, a
Massachusetts Democrat, and two other members of Congress, were sought
nearly two years ago after Postol sent the White House a detailed analysis
of the 1997 test, alleging both Boeing and TRW misrepresented the results.

The MIT professor analyzed the raw data of the test, which he obtained
through Nira Schwartz, a senior staff engineer at TRW who was fired after
she reported that the software her company developed would not distinguish
decoys from warheads. Schwartz, who is suing TRW, and Postol insisted it's a
fallacy to say the 1997 test is irrelevant.

Because both the Boeing and Raytheon sensor use ''infrared eyes,'' ''It's
the equivalent of looking at a bunch of suitcases with only your eyes and
trying to find a bomb inside,'' Postol said. ''If I give you a telescope, a
microscope, or dark glasses when you look at the suitcase, none will tell
you which has the bomb.''

Despite the allegations, the GAO studies stop short of calling the reports
and exaggerated results fraud. Unlike most GAO reports, and despite
congressional requests for them, they don't include recommendations.

The reason, another congressional source close to the investigation said, is
political. The reports, delayed by sluggish responses from the Pentagon and
contractors for documents, were vetted very closely to avoid casting too
much blame on any one party, the source said.

''Much of the findings were buried inside the text and purposely written in
technical language so as not to highlight many things,'' the source said.
''There are many political pressures, and the report was certainly edited
for political reasons.''

With billions of dollars at stake and $100 million a pop for each
antimissile test, a lot is riding on whether it is technically possible to
build a national missile defense that works. Over the past five years, three
out of the five antimissile tests hit their targets. But during that time,
the tests have been downgraded in complexity, now using only one decoy that
is much larger and brighter than the mock warhead.

For the Bush administration, which vowed to build a robust national missile
defense during its campaign two years ago, fielding a viable system is one
of its highest priorities. In December, President Bush announced the United
States would withdraw in June from the 30-year-old ABM treaty, which bars a
nationwide missile shield.

In a statement about the GAO reports, Markey, who has proposed a bill
calling for independent oversight of the missile shield, cautioned that
relying on questionable technology could amount to a massive waste of
taxpayer dollars.

''The national missile defense program needs independent oversight and
testing milestones to ensure that it works before we spend countless
billions of dollars deploying it,'' he said. ''If it can't tell the warhead
apart from a decoy, what good is it?''

David Abel can be reached by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This story ran on page A1 of the Boston Globe on 3/4/2002.
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