If it had been flying to North Korea, Iran, or Iraq it would have been much

Cheers, Ken Hanly

Italian Plane Passengers See Flames, Vote to Land
Mon Mar 4,10:14 AM ET

MILAN (Reuters) - The pilot of a charter flight to Cuba from Italy that
burst into flames during takeoff had passengers vote on whether to continue
the 5,000-mile journey.

The passengers, who had seen flames stream from one of the Yesair jet's
engines, voted overwhelmingly in favor of returning to the ground, officials
at Milan's Malpensa airport said on Monday.

The pilot managed to get the plane into the air and announced that he had
resolved the problem with the engine and planned to carry on to Cuba on the
Sunday flight.

But his reassurances failed to calm nerves among the 250 passengers and he
called for the vote.

Passengers, who had panicked after seeing the flames and smelled smoke in
the cabin, told reporters that almost all of them had demanded to return to

"I saw flames, it was incredible. It looked like the whole engine was about
to go up," one unnamed passenger told state television news.

No one from the Portuguese charter company Yesair was immediately available
for comment, but an airline source in Milan said the plane had not been in

"One of the engines stalled very briefly. It turned itself off and then on
again and there were flames. Apparently it is quite normal," he said,
declining to be named.

"The passengers saw the flames. Obviously they were scared. The captain
asked them what they wanted to do -- continue across the Atlantic or return
to the airport," he said.

The airline source said it was not normal to let passengers decide the fate
of a flight.

The holidaymakers were scheduled to fly to Cuba aboard a different plane on

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