Wade vs Wolf
by Doug Henwood
05 March 2002 13:53 UTC  

Sabri Oncu wrote:

>Let me ask you a direct question: Is it your point that
>capitalism is not as bad a system as some of us here think it is?

It's awful, but I guess it beats slavery or feudalism. But it's also 
a deeply contradictory system, producing wealth and possibility 
alongside poverty and oppression. A friend of mine who spent a few 
years as a reporter in Vietnam interviewed Nike workers who told her 
that they prefer their sweatshop jobs to what they would have been 
doing otherwise - things like chasing rats in rice paddies (not much 
fun to be a woman on the farm). Anticapitalists - and I'm one - often 
overlook that sort of thing. And capitalism often produces great 
booms, though PEN-Lers seem to prefer talking about busts. Which kind 
of begs the question of just how capitalist China is, and what 
lessons it might hold for other poor countries.



CB: One big problem is that capitalism, since the beginning and continually ever 
since, doesn't seem to be able to produce great booms, without producing great "booms" 
, as in kapploooweee !! Viet Nam is an extraordinarily tragic example of the 
destructive scale of a capitalist "boom" as in Kaaaappppllooowweeee !!!

One obvious lesson that U.S. leftists don't seem to like to talk about with respect to 
China and that might hold for other poor countries might be have a Communist Party and 
Marxist economists as the political economic leadership of your country.

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