I believe that it is a disservice to Marx to make him out to be an
academic economist trying to work via theorems.  Also, Marx was not really
trying to show where profits come from, but to show the perverse
consequences of the social relations of value.

On Sat, Mar 09, 2002 at 04:03:28AM +0000, Justin Schwartz wrote:
> This is suppose to be a theorem that follows from some of the assumptions I 
> sketched below, plus a bunch of other stuff. I don't think it is a theorem, 
> or anyway, that it is an interesting one if it is. The real issue about SV 
> is where profits come from: do they derive from the exploitation of labor? I 
> agree that they do, mainly, I also think that Marx shows this. He also 
> thinks that you need the assumption that they derive only from living labor, 
> that you need the notion of SV defined in labor theoretic terms to show 
> this. There I disagree.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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