> I think it's slightly more sinister: the elite wants passive 
> donors to their
> cause and support for Israel no matter what. Zionism and
> standing-and-fighting are seen as mutually exclusive 
> alternatives. Further,
> the Bund tradition of socialist or labor-oriented Jews is 
> anathema, whether
> or not the socialists were pro-Soviet. 
> jgd

Not necessarily.  Properly reconstructed, the resistance
could serve the purposes of elites.  For instance, the
recent TV movie about the Warsaw ghetto uprising was
leached of left political content and framed the rebellion
as a more honorable form of suicide: stand-and-fight
as a matter of "Jewish honor."  The implicit subtext was the
ancient Jewish version of the Alamo -- Masada -- a staple
of zionist macho discourse.  Little or no hint of some
overarching, historical purpose in fighting fascism.
As I think of it, I don't remember the word 'fascism'
ever being uttered in the movie.


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