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Michael C. Ruppert: 3/26/02
A EurasiaNet Partner Post from From the Wilderness Publications

Attorney General John Ashcroft's prompt and public recusal from the
Enron investigation because of a conflict of interest arising from
Enron's donations to his 2000 Senate race has not been matched by a
similar recusal in the case of federal grand juries in New York and
Washington investigating two additional Ashcroft donors, ExxonMobil
and BP Amoco. This, even though ExxonMobil gave more money to
Ashcroft's campaign than Enron did.

A source familiar with the grand jury investigations, who spoke on
condition of anonymity, told FTW that both grand juries are still
active and that Ashcroft has quietly moved - in the wake of last
December's departure of Southern New York's US Attorney, Mary Jo
White - to exert control over the New York grand jury from Washington
and to exercise "unusual" influence over the Washington
investigations. FTW has also received multiple reports that several
high-ranking career prosecutors in both New York and Washington have
raised serious objections to Ashcroft's actions and his failure to
publicly recuse himself in these cases.

Channing Phillips, speaking for the US Attorney's office in
Washington, DC told FTW, "I checked with [Assistant US Attorney] Wendy
Wysong and she confirmed that the investigation is still ongoing.
There are three aspects to these investigations: one in New York, one
in Washington [at the US Attorney's office] and one at main Justice
[DoJ headquarters]. If the Attorney General had recused himself, we
would know about it, and we are not aware of any such development."

Marvin Smilon, a spokesman for the US Attorney's office in New York
told FTW, "The department has a firm policy where we can't comment on
grand jury investigations."

While federal rules of criminal procedure specifically prohibit the
disclosure of the investigative activities of grand juries, they do
not prohibit government officials from discussing matters of public
interest concerning the progress or existence of grand juries,
especially in cases where potential conflicts of interest arise. As a
number of attorneys contacted for this story indicated that there are
times when a justice department official would have a need, or even a
duty, to inform the public of issues which indicate that the
government is protecting the public interest.

Similar moves by Ashcroft, which deviate from established procedures,
have occurred since September 11, 2001. An October 11, 2001 New York
Times story by Benjamin Weiser and William Rashbaum was headlined,
"Justice Dept. Takeover of Terror Prosecutions Frustrates US
Attorney." Its lead sentence stated, "The decision to shift authority
over potential criminal prosecutions stemming from the September 11
terror attacks from New York to Washington has upset and frustrated
law enforcement officials who have investigated Osama bin Laden for
nearly a decade." White's authority, in spite of eight years of
successful terror prosecutions, was thus transferred to Washington, in
spite of the fact that her office had coordinated a Joint Terrorist
Task Force "that had won convictions of more than two dozen terrorists
in five major trials." Her office had also secured the cooperation of
two former bin Laden aides and already had 15 of the 22 most wanted
terror suspects, as identified by the White House on Oct. 10, under

Ashcroft's decision in this case had an impact on the grand jury
process. According to the Times, "Officials in Washington have not
said where grand juries investigating the attacks will sit, or where
the indictments may eventually be brought." White, a Clinton
appointee, resigned as US Attorney in New York in December and has not
responded to a request for an interview for this story.


The two grand juries have been investigating allegations that
ExxonMobil, the world's largest corporation, and BP Amoco paid cash
bribes to the president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, and his
oil minister, Nurlan Balgymbayev, and that Mobil engaged in an illegal
oil swap of Kazakh oil through Iran in 1997. Vice President Dick
Cheney's energy task force - now the center of a constitutional battle
over the release of its records - was meeting representatives of both
companies after the grand juries had been empanelled as a result of
information received from a Middle Eastern source in 1997 and
inquiries from Swiss banks in 1999. The fact that these known targets
of criminal investigations had access to the vice president's energy
task force would be comparable to having allowed Manuel Noriega, while
under indictment for drug smuggling, to consult in the war on drugs.

At issue is a 25 percent stake purchased by Mobil in Kazakhstan's
Tengiz oil field, following an earlier purchase of 50 percent by
Chevron and an apparently desperate attempt a year later to start
making money from the fields by engaging in an illegal swap with Iran
as a means of getting the Tengiz oil to market. Until September 11,
there was only one obstacle preventing the oil companies and their
related industries from building the necessary pipelines, immune from
Russian influence, which would have turned the Central Asian oil into
dollars - the Taliban.

American companies with unrequited heavy investments in the region's
oil fields included ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco, BP Amoco, Phillips,
Total/Fina/ELF, Unocal, Halliburton and Enron. Enron's investment
alone, as reported by the Albion Monitor, exceeded $3 billion in a
power generating station in Dabhol, India that was floundering in red
ink because Enron could not access inexpensive natural gas via a
proposed trans-Afghani pipeline from Turkmenistan. Enron also had
contracts to conduct feasibility studies for the construction of
pipelines throughout the region.

ExxonMobil's role in the bribery and illegal oil swap, as well as the
ensuing federal investigations, was comprehensively documented in a
July 2001 New Yorker article entitled "The Price of Oil" by the
venerable Seymour Hersh. Allegations being investigated by the New
York grand jury involve felony violations (bribery) of the Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act. The Washington, DC grand jury is investigating
evidence that links Mobil to an illegal 1997 swap of Kazakh oil
through Iran, which would constitute a felony violation of the 1996
Iran Trade Sanctions Act.

Possible penalties in the event of criminal convictions include
"disgorgement" of any assets obtained as a result of the criminal
actions. That would mean that two of the largest oil companies in the
United States could lose billions of dollars in cash already paid into
the region over a decade and forfeit their rights to profits from
selling oil produced there. This possible outcome was surely not lost
on Dick Cheney's energy task force, which concluded its work last May.

An intransigent President Bush announced on March 13 that he would not
release records revealing who the task force met with or what was
discussed, in spite of a Feb. 27 court order signed by District Court
Judge Gladys Kessler directing the Department of Energy to release the

However, it is clear that Kazakhstan-related issues were discussed
behind Cheney's closed doors. In an analysis of the final report of
the vice president's energy task force, released in May 2001, The
Washington Times, on July 20, 2001 wrote, "While saying private
investors must lead the way, the Cheney report devotes considerable
time to the Kazakh market, urging US government agencies to 'deepen
their commercial dialogue' with Kazakhstan."

What is unknown at this moment is whether Ashcroft attended any
meetings with the task force, or whether he discussed the status of
the grand jury investigations while doing so.


ExxonMobil was the single largest oil and gas contributor to
Ashcroft's 2000 Senate race, donating $11,650 - $4,140 more than
Enron - as disclosed by documents obtained from the Center for
Responsive Politics. Other oil industry donors to Ashcroft's campaign
which are heavily invested in Kazakhstan, or which represent firms
that are, include Chevron ($7,500), Enron ($7,499), The Independent
Petroleum Association of America ($5,000), BP Amoco ($4,000) and
Halliburton ($3,500).

Thus, the total reported corporate donations to Ashcroft's campaign,
from firms with known vested interests in opening Kazakh oil fields,
totals $39,149. Taken together, these contributions (which exclude
soft money donations reported only to the Republican Senatorial
Committee) would rank second only to Enterprise Rent-a-Car as
Ashcroft's biggest 2000 contributor.

Within days of being publicly questioned by California Rep. Henry
Waxman, (D), Ashcroft held a public press conference announcing that
he would recuse himself from any part of the Enron investigations
being conducted by the Justice Department. It now becomes both a fair
and a glaringly obvious question as to why he has not done so with
respect to the grand juries.

Some six months after the 9-11 attacks, and with a wealth of stories
documenting oil interests in the region, the grand juries could expose
the motives behind US government July 2001 warnings to the Taliban,
well documented in a number of European papers, "we will either bury
you in a carpet of gold or we will bury you in a carpet of bombs
starting in Oct. [2001]."

After repeated requests for comment about whether Ashcroft had recused
himself from these investigations, Dana Perino, a spokeswoman for the
Department of Justice and Ashcroft told FTW, "We cannot comment or
discuss anything about whether there even is a grand jury, so we are
not going to answer any questions or make any comment." When advised
by this writer that federal rules of criminal procedure did not
prevent the attorney general from disclosing the status of the grand
jury or his potential conflict of interest, Perino stated, "This is
what my management told me to say. I'll take your comment back to them
one more time and call you back if they say anything else."

As of press time no additional calls had been received.


A March 1 New York Times story by Don Van Natta reported, "ExxonMobil,
the second-largest energy donor in the Republican Party, confirmed
today that its executives met with Mr. Cheney. It was among the
handful of companies that had declined to comment earlier this week
about whether its executives had met with Mr. Cheney or members of the
task force, although it did say that its interests were represented by
the American Petroleum Institute, a trade council.

"In an interview today, company officials confirmed that ExxonMobil
chief executive, Lee Raymond, met with Mr. Cheney for 30 minutes on
Feb. 8, 2001. ExxonMobil officials also met with task force staff
members for 45 minutes on Feb. 14 and made a presentation about future
energy supply and demand, the company disclosed. The company said that
on the same day, executives made a similar presentation to the General
Accounting Office and to staff members of both political parties on
the House and Senate Energy Committees. "

A December 17, 2000 story by David Johnston of the New York Times
stating that none of the companies connected to the alleged bribery
(including ExxonMobil, BP Amoco and Phillips Petroleum) appeared to be
focuses of the New York grand jury has been flatly contradicted by
Hersh, who reported extensive negotiations and payments by Mobil in
1995-96 after direct negotiations between Mobil and Kazakh President
Nazarbayev. In fact, Hersh investigated the suspicious activities of
now retired Mobil Vice President Bryan Williams and
intelligence-connected American businessman James Giffen, both of whom
have been directly tied to the bribery and the Iranian oil swap.
Giffen has been reported in a number of stories to be Nazarbayev's
"gatekeeper" for anyone wishing to do business in Kazakhstan. Hersh
documented direct payments to Giffen's company, the Mercator
Corporation, from Mobil.

Additionally, Hersh wrote, "Mobil participants in the Tengiz
negotiations worried constantly about the possibility of payments
going astray. [Mobil exec] Don Voelte told me that the company was
concerned that the purchase payments it was sending the Kazakh
government via Swiss banks might be diverted for personal use by the
Kazakh leaders."

The Hersh piece makes it clear that Mobil's involvement in the bribery
and the Iranian oil swap was much deeper and more involved than this
disingenuous statement suggests.

"Kazakhstan. [has] become notorious for exploitation, corruption and
seemingly bottomless fields of oil whose bounty seldom benefits the
average citizen."

"The country has not prospered under [President Nursultan] Nazarbayev
['s] rule. Social conditions have deteriorated steadily; per capita
GNP is just $1,300 dollars a year," Hersh wrote. "A fifth of the
country's total money supply is now stashed in Swiss banks."

"A Mobil employee who took part in [Mobil's negotiations with
Kazakhstan] in Nassau said that the Kazakhs made a series of
extraordinary demands, seeking among other things, a new Gulfstream
jet aircraft for Nazarbayev, funds for tennis courts at his home, and
four trucks with Satellite dishes to be used by his daughter's
televisions network."

In a July 5, 2001 article posted by the International Eurasian
Institute for Economic and Political Research, the Kazakhstan 21st
Century Foundation reported, "Nazarbayev is so worried about the
investigations, which he considers politically motivated, that he got
his puppet parliament to pass a law granting him lifetime immunity
from any legal liability stemming from his actions in office, and
another law that appears to legalize money laundering."

What is clear, according to Hersh and other sources, is that as much
as half of the $1 billion paid by Mobil never made it into the Kazakh


The oil giant formed by the Dec. 1998 merger of British Petroleum and
Amoco was made even larger by the April 1999 merger of BP-Amoco with
the American oil giant, Arco. It too is at least a target of the
investigations into Kazakh dirty dealings. Johnston's New York Times
story discussed the Department of Justice's criminal investigations:

"According to a formal request filed under a treaty between the United
States and Switzerland, the Justice Department says that on March 19,
1997, Amoco Kazakhstan Petroleum, one of the companies involved in the
big offshore project in the Caspian Sea, transferred $61 million from
Banker's Trust in New York in two payments to account 1215320 at
Credit Agricole Indosuez, a bank in Geneva. (The Amoco unit is now
part of BP).

"Three days later, the document says, Mr. Giffen and Kazakh officials
began a series of what the United States government says were illegal
transfers from the Kazakh treasury accounts into private accounts
benefiting several Kazakh leaders."

Johnston's account went on to describe how money was transferred out
of these accounts into accounts that "benefited" Giffen and were
allegedly used to disburse money into private accounts held or
controlled by either Nazarbayev or Balgymbayev, his oil minister. By
the time Hersh wrote his story, almost seven months later, the known
total amount of payments from ExxonMobil and other companies exceeded
$1 billion, and documentation was beginning to show that much of it
had been diverted into the private pockets of Kazakh public officials.

In a March 1 story, New York Times writers Don Van Natta, Jr. and
Neela Banerjee reported on 18 corporations that were heavy Republican
donors which got in to Cheney's task force. "The companies include the
Enron Corporation, the Southern Company, the Exelon Corporation, BP,
the TXU Corporation, FirstEnergy, and Andarko Petroleum."


The impending economic crash for the US oil industry, and all of its
downstream economic vassals, reached a crisis between 1996 and 2001 as
the intransigence of the Taliban threatened to create an implosion
within an industry that owned oil but could not get it to market. The
crisis was so severe that the National Security Council (NSC) got
involved. Oil had become a national security matter of the highest

Both the Washington Post and the New York Daily News (as reported by
the Albion Monitor on Feb. 28) obtained a series of emails showing
that the NSC led a "'Dabhol Working Group' composed of officials from
various cabinet departments during the summer of 2001.The Working
Group prepared 'talking points' for both Cheney and Bush."

Hersh, in "The Price of Oil," also documented a series of 1996 NSC
meetings and discussions about Mobil's pending illegal oil swap.
Although his reporting indicates that Giffen and Mobil VP Bryan
Williams, who met with NSC staff, were warned that such a swap was
illegal, and that the NSC sent warnings to other Mobil executives, the
swap went ahead anyway. This, after Hersh quoted a government official
as saying that Giffen had said that Mobil was smart and that it would
do it through a European trader.

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