----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Max Sawicky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > [Guess the author...............]
> I agree with the first sentence of that essay.
> I don't know the author, but whoever it is, he or
> she is confused.  The smorgasbord of groups
> and the implied atomization of program and
> politics is the fruit of democracy.  People vote
> with their feet.   Participation is nice, and so is
> unity, but one doesn't necessarily promote the
> other.
> The description of SDS/SNCC is all wet, but there
> isn't much point in unpacking all that.
> Instead of counting young people, I should probably
> count the Palm Pilots.
> mbs

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Devine, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> of course, such decentralized groups as the SDS "did their own thing" one
> time [1969] in the form of the "days of rage," in which a bunch of well-fed
> white suburbanites went crazy in the streets of Chicago, in hopes that the
> Black Youth would Rise Up and join them, overthrowing the System.
> I like this statement's emphasis on from-the-bottom organizing, but
> decentralization isn't always what it's advertised to be.
> JD


And the writer is.................Nathan Newman!

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