Ian Murray wrote:
>      The Sixties youth rejected the centralized,
> bureaucratic democratic decision-making of the unions,
> parties, and the established civil rights organizations (the
> legacy of another generation of young activists). Instead,
> organizations like Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

And the result was (for the most part) that the political structure of
SDS both at the local and national level was that of an ensemble of
high-school social cliques. The difference from a bureaucratic
organization was that it is easier to hold a bureaucracy responsible
than it is to hold a (partly invisible) clique responsible. Almost all
real decisions in SDS (nationally and locally) were made behind closed
doors in informal conversation among non-responsible leaders -- most but
not all of whom did not even themselves know that that was what they
were doing.

Open Bureaucracy vs Bureacracy behind a Screen of Participatory


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