I have enormous admiration for the courageous young peace activists in
Palestine today.  I do have a problem relating to Sabri's original note --
not with the note itself, of course.

I remember in Berkeley during the 1960s, some people repeatedly calling
upon the students for action:  this is the most important protest in the
world.  Students would respond, only to be told three days later that they
must rise up to protest some seemingly unrelated action.

The brutality in Palestine is unconscionable.  When is the last time we
heard about East Timor?  Or has it fallen off the map?  Even Colombia no
longer merits a mention.

I think what is missing is an overall narrative to tie things together so
that each crisis does not appear as an unrelated episode -- so that the
activists in various social justice movement can draw upon the strength of
each other.

Of course, various sects have their own narratives, but I would like one
without the sectarianism.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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