On Fri, 19 Apr 2002 22:46:00 +0900, Charles Jannuzi wrote:
>US policies toward New Zealand came damn close
>when NZ objected to US ships not confirming
>whether or not they carried nukes in NZ waters
>and harbors.
>In the case of Australia, the US has taken the
>place of GB as key 'military ally' and you could
>argue the post-war US-
>Australia relationship has become neo-imperial.

Perhaps we have a different definition of imperialism. I don't regard 
US bullying and imperialism as the same thing. Switzerland and Sweden 
have never bullied anybody in recent years, but they are imperialist 
powers. US imperialism rules the roost, but it has junior partners 
including Australia and New Zealand. One of the unfortunate 
consequences of the "humanitarian intervention" in East Timor is that 
it has legitimized the imperial ambitions of the Oceania powers.

Louis Proyect, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 04/19/2002

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