Fascism was defeated by the world proletariat brigade - a class. This class was 
under the leadership of Stalin and that is a historically recorded fact. The 
subsequent defeat and collapse of fascism throughout the world was connected to 
the turning point in World World II or as it is called by Marxist, the Second 
Imperialist World War and the battle for Stalingrad.

Melvin P.
  See,  by Larry Ceplair, "Under the shadow of war : Fascism, anti-Fascism, and 
Marxists, 1918-1939, "
Columbia Univ. Press, 1987.
Thanked in the acknowledgements is Dorothy Healey, in the CPUSA till early
'73 (see her great autobio. from Oxford Univ. Press), so anti-Communist
seems a stretch to attach to Ceplair. Anti-Stalinist, yes..
      Gluckstein, Donny The Nazis, capitalism and the working class Bookmarks, 
London 1999

Guérin, Daniel The brown plague: travels in late Weimar and early Nazi Germany 
Duke University Press, Durham, 1994
    Mason, Tim Nazism, fascism and the working class Cambridge University 
Press, Cambridge 1995 Chifley HD8450.M3715 199
   Barrett, Neil, ‘A Bright Shining Star: The CPGB and Anti-Fascist Activism in 
the 1930s’, Science & Society 61 1997 pp. 10-26.
   Horn, Gerd-Rainer European Socialists Respond to Fascism: Ideology, Activism 
and Contingency in the 1930s Oxford Univ Press 1996 Chifley HX238.H67 1996
   Theories of fascism

How accurate is it to talk about fascism as a general phenomenon? To what 
extent was  fascism a product of the inter-war period?

Is it possible to speak of a Marxist theory of fascism? Outline the distinctive 
features of different Marxists’ approaches to fascism.

What are the main features of theories of totalitarianism? How useful are such 
theories? Why did they emerge during the 1950s?

How seriously should we take fascist ideology as a system of arguments and an 
account of the world? Does value free social science exist? Is it possible to 
undertake a disinterested study of fascism?


Renton pp. 18-29, 44-76

Eatwell pp. 3-29; Payne pp. 441-495

Soucy, Robert French fascism: the second wave, 1933-1939 Yale University Press, 
New Haven 1995 pp. 1-25Chifley DC396.S66 1995

Gregor, A. James The faces of Janus: Marxism and Fascism in the Twentieth 
Century Yale University Press, New Haven 2000 pp. 1-18 Chifley JC491.G674

Additional Reading

Griffin, Roger International fascism: theories, causes and the new consensus 
Oxford University Press, London 1998 Chifley JC481 .I63


Beetham, David Marxists in the face of Fascism Manchester University Press, 
Manchester 1983 Chifley JC481.M28

Guerin, Daniel Fascism and Big Business Pathfinder Press, New York 2000 pp. 23- 
148 Chifley JC481.G813

Trotsky, Leon Fascism, Stalinism and the United Front Bookmarks, London 1989 
Chifley DD240.T76 1989

Trotsky, Leon The struggle against fascism in Germany Penguin, Harmondsworth 
1975 Chifley DD240.T74

Tasca, Angelo (A. Rossi) The rise of Italian fascism, 1918-1922 Methuen, London 
1938 DG571.T353 1938

Togliatti, Palmiro Lectures on fascism International Publishers, New York 1976 
Chifley JC481.T5813 1976

Influential, contemporary multi-factor approach

Griffin, Roger The nature of fascism Pinter, London 1991 Chifley JC481.G696


Mason, Paul T. Totalitarianism: temporary madness or permanent danger Heath, 
Lexington 1967 Chifley JC481.M295 advocates of totalitarianism framework

Schapiro, Leonard Totalitarianism Pall Mall, London 1972 Chifley JC481.S3

Nolte, Ernst 'The Past That Will Not Pass: A Speech That Could be Written But 
not Delivered' in James Knowlton and Truett Cates (eds.) Forever in the shadow 
of Hitler?: original documents of the Historikerstreit, the controversy 
concerning the singularity of the Holocaust Humanities Press, Atlantic 
Highlands, N.J. 1993 , 18-23 on order. Nolte's essay triggered a major 
controversy ont he significance of Nazism.

Nolte, Ernst 'Capitalism-Marxism-Fascism' Marxism, Fascism, and the Cold War 
Van Gorcum, Assen 1982 pp. 76-79 Chifley HX44.N5913 a foretaste of Nolte's 1986 

Mommsen, Hans ‘The concept of totalistarian dictatorship vs. the comparative 
theory of fascism. The case of National Socialism’ in Ernest A. Menze 
Totalitarianism reconsidered National University Publications, Port Washington 
1981 pp. 146-166 Chifley JC481.T64

Kershaw, Ian ‘The essense of Nazism: form of fascism, brand of totalitarianism 
or unique phenomenon’ in his The Nazi dictatorship : problems and perspectives 
of interpretation Arnold, London; 1993 3rd ed pp. 17-39 Chifley DD256.5.K47 
1993 critique of totalitarianism framework

Focus on ideology

Sternhell, Zeev ‘Fascist ideology’ in Walter Laqueur (ed.) Fascism: a reader’s 
guide Wildwood House, London 1976 pp. 325-408 Chifley JC481.F334

Sternhell, Zeev The birth of fascist ideology: from cultural rebellion to 
political revolution Princeton University Press, Princeton 1994 Chifley D726.5 
.S7413 1994 focus on the ideology of fascism

Postmodernist approach

Holmes, Douglas R. Integral Europe: fast-capitalism, multiculturalism, 
neofascism Princeton University Press, Princeton N.J. 2000 Chifley D2009 .H65 

Ordinary Germans and the holocaust

Browning, Christopher R. Ordinary men: Reserve Police Battalion Chifley 
D804.3.B77 1998 account of perpetrators of elements of the holocaust

Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah Hitler's willing executioners : ordinary Germans and 
the Holocaust Alfred A. Knopf, New York 1996 Chifley D804.3.G648 1996 also his 
web page famous analysis identifying all Germans as responsible for the 
holocaust; reworks material used by Browning

Finkelstein, Norman G. and Ruth Bettina Birn A nation on trial : the Goldhagen 
thesis and historical truth Metropolitan Books, New York 1998 also his web page 
critique of Goldhagen

Johnson, Eric A. Nazi terror: the Gestapo, Jews and ordinary Germans Basic 
Books, New York 1999 D804.3.J636 1999 further discussion of the issues raised 
by Goldhagen

Conservative US political science approaches

Hagan, John et al. ‘The interest in evil: hierarchic self-interest and right-
wing extremism among East and West German youth’ Social Science Research 28, 
1999 pp. 162-183 a rational choice approach (available online through the 

Elazar, Dahlia S. and Alisa C. Lewin ‘The effects of political violence: a 
structural equation model of the rise of Italian Fascism'’Social Science 
Research 28, 1999 pp. 184-202 an approach dominated by statistical methods 
(available online through the Library)
    Renton, Dave Fascism: Theory and Practice Pluto, London 1999

4/24/02 1:43:53 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  Date:   Wed, 24 Apr 2002 16:43:53 -0400 (EDT)
>  Subject:[PEN-L:25372] Re: Le Pen triumph thanks to ultra-leftists
>  In a message dated 4/24/2002 1:31:01 PM Central Daylight Time,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
>  Greg Schofield:
>  >>The Popular Front was one of the great modern innovations in effective
>  political struggle of the working class, at the plain of how communists
>  should work it relates directly to the Communist Manifesto applying the
>  same principles to the specific question of anti-fascist struggle.<<
>  Lou: -clip-. In a struggle against fascism, you have to have clearly defined
>  class
>  politics. Watering down social and economic demands leads to the triumph of
>  fascism.
>  ^^^^^^
>  CB: On this issue, what about the fact that fascism _was_ defeated by the
>  Popular Front.
>  Fascism was defeated by the world proletariat brigade - a class. This class
>  was under the leadership of Stalin and that is a historically recorded fact.
>  The subsequent defeat and collapse of fascism throughout the world was
>  connected to the turning point in World World II or as it is called by
>  Marxist, the Second Imperialist World War and the battle for Stalingrad.
>  Melvin P.

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