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China's numbers game
By Yu Shicun and Francesco Sisci

BEIJING - In the early 1990s, groups of researchers from China's Statistical
Bureau were sent to Italy for training and seminars. The move was political
as well as practical. Italy was more open than many other Western countries
to contacts with China in the wake of the Tiananmen crackdown, and the
Italian economy, with its vast gray areas, might have been the best model
for China, which had similar problems. Senior researchers at ISTAT, Italy's
national statistical bureau, were confident that they could teach the
Chinese their methods for checking and improving the quality of data
collection, which would take into account under-reporting or over-reporting.

However, despite the Italians' confidence, 10 years after those seminars
many in the world remain skeptical about the numbers provided by China's
statistics bureau. The figures might be cooked for propaganda purposes, some
economists argue, as China needs to demonstrate high growth to draw in
foreign investment and prevent capital flight. These critics point to some
discrepancies in the official figures and come up with growth rates far
below the official ones.

Talks with senior officials in charge of data collection, however, dispel
the idea of data that are cooked on purpose. There are not two sets of
account books in China, one for official use and one for propaganda use. It
is true, however, that even officials in charge of the compilation of the
data are not so sure about the numbers they are handling. Therefore, as
China has a history of over-reporting to please top officials, everybody
suspects there is in fact widespread over-reporting.

But the root issue is not that of over-reporting, but of reporting at all.
In counties and districts scattered around the huge Chinese countryside,
reported figures are produced in meetings. The local officials set the
standards, a few points lower than the reported growth rate of some rich
town nearby, but a couple of points higher than the poor village down the
road. In sum, they have to agree roughly with the state-announced growth
goal, and set the numbers at a level at which everybody is happy. Then
everybody must be consistent: if state officials call in to check, they must
be told the agreed figure. So the reality is not behind a screen, because
the people attending those meetings are not trying to hide something. They
simply do not know what the local production is, and so they try to cover
their backsides, producing figures that won't have their superiors going
after them.

The same is true with income taxes. In many places, the tax bureau has to
come up with a certain amount of money at the end of the year. If it doesn't
manage to do so, then it calls a meeting with the big local enterprises,
which have to cough up the shortfall, in return for which they will get a
piece of land or the permission to erect a new building.

These phenomena are widespread and from the foreign perspective they cast a
bleak shadow on the reliability of all figures in China. To the officials in
charge of numbers, in China and elsewhere, the fact that these incidents are
common and well known gives them an opportunity to introduce adjustments,
and look at marginal figures that could produce overall consistency. Some
official figures give reason to suspect over-reporting (comparing
electricity consumption with gross domestic product) or under-reporting
(comparing the size of foreign trade with total GDP). So at the end of the
day, taking into account all arguments, under the present circumstances, the
official figures might well be the most accurate available, but perhaps this
is not the point.

Over- or under-reporting, unlike the compass, is not a Chinese invention, it
has been around for centuries. Ultimately, though, the most important
yardsticks are the volume of foreign trade, which is impossible to fudge,
taxes collected and state expenses, where the government ought to have a
precise idea, and the visible welfare of society, which is certainly
apparent in China. These are the historical requisites, and on all these
accounts China is faring well. But now this is not enough, as China needs to
sell, in theory and practice, its bonds overseas, it needs an international
bank rating, it needs foreign trust and investment, it needs domestic trust
and investment, for trade and even tax collection. If the local real-estate
developer starts thinking he can't make money in Guilin, instead of coming
up with the cash for the taxes in return for a new development, he can pack
and run. Without trust, the country can collapse like a house of cards.

Niall Fergusson in The Cash Nexus traces the link between state revenues and
the military in the West from 1700 to 2000. He arrays a vast scholarship to
prove that the economy's and state expenses were moved by the necessity of
defense until the past 50 years. He argues that the key to the French defeat
by the British in the Napoleonic Wars was the fact that Britain had a
superior and more transparent system of taxation and all the ensuing
institutions that made the best use of available resources.

"The key difference between France and Britain in the 18th century then was
not a matter of economic resources. France had more. Rather it was a matter
of institutions. Britain had the superior revenue collecting system, the
Excise. After the Glorious Revolution, Britain also had representative
government, which not only tended to make budgets transparent, but also -
more importantly - reduced the likelihood of default, since the bond-holders
who had invested in the National Debt were among the interests best
represented in Parliament. The National Debt itself was largely funded
(long-term) and transparently managed (especially after the advent of the
consol). And the Bank of England - which again had no French analog - also
guaranteed the convertibility of the currency into gold (save in an extreme
emergency), reducing if not eliminating the risk of default through
inflation. It was these institutions which enabled Britain to sustain a much
larger debt/GDP ratio than France because they ensured that the interest
Britain paid on her debt was substantially less than France paid on hers. If
one seeks a fiscal explanation for Britain's ultimate triumph over France in
their global contest, it lies here.

"But the crucial point is that financial institutions depend for their
effectiveness on credibility. It is highly significant, in this context,
that each time the chances of a Stuart Restoration rose - for example during
the 1745 Jacobite Rising - so too did the yield on government bonds. To
contemporaries, there was no guarantee that the regime change brought about
by the Glorious Revolution would endure, and that the lineal descendants of
the Hanoverians would.still reign in Britain for more than three hundred
years after the deposition of James II. The possibility could not wholly be
dismissed. But by comparison with the risks of default facing investors in
French bonds, the danger was remote."

In a similar fashion we can see that China is not transparent, its
institutions are behind a wall of secrecy where is difficult to tell the
difference between government desire to hide something and genuine lack of
knowledge. Everybody knows that all crucial decisions will be made in
secretive conclaves, where leaders are elected or demoted according to,
again, secretive rules and compromises. And the leaders ultimately have
total power not only over their subjects but also over their properties,
which could be confiscated, shut down, brought to their knees, at will,
without any possibility of defense. This is ultimately the reason for
massive capital flight that some pessimistic foreigners calculate in the
range of US$40 billion a year. This impoverishes China, weakens its ability
to grow and thus also weakens its pride and its military, which, as
Fergusson proves in his work, needs transparent financial instruments for
its spending.

Institutional, political reform, as well as a civil code for full protection
of private property rights, is thus necessary to pre-empt a possible
domestic and foreign decline of confidence in China. Only this can make
possible a real centralization and localization of control.

The urgency of this issue can be shown in the Ministry of Agriculture.
France's agriculture ministry has some 5,000 personnel in Paris who have
full knowledge of every piece of agricultural land in the country. In China,
with a size some 30 times that of France and a population 20 times larger,
the Ministry of Agriculture has only about 500 people. They are in charge of
broad policies, and do not have a clue about how things are really run in a
small village. That village thus does what it wants, levies its own taxes
and fees, and is largely left to the unfettered honesty (or dishonesty) of
the local officials.

It is certainly impossible to build a Ministry of Agriculture with a
competence similar to that in France - simple arithmetic would demand
100,000 personnel, an absurdity. Instead, power needs to be concentrated at
the provincial level, and not left with the villages. In other words, China
urgently needs to retake control of its land and its people, to give them
protection and efficiency and trust. In agriculture, for instance, there
could be a coordination office at a central level and powerful
provincial-level offices with large discretionary powers. A reform making
China a confederation of states would in fact enhance Beijing's central
power, which should keep crucial authority over, for instance, defense and
diplomacy, but could release other powers to the provinces.

The reforms of institutions and the protection of private property are the
two last reforms, short of complex political reform, that China faces. The
period of economic reforms started by Deng Xiaoping has elapsed. The Chinese
leadership under Jiang Zemin gave a final shove with the reform of
state-owned enterprises and the ensuing process of de facto privatization.
It is now time to tackle concrete issues, solve concrete problems - and
there are many now in China - but to do that, law and institutions must also

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