Doug wrote:

>>Why is it that we don't see any Hetero Depts at Ivy League
> Liza Featherstone & I discovered in researching
> our sweatshop economics piece for the late Lingua
> Franca that the only Marxist to have gotten a job
> at a prestige U.S. economics department in the last
> 20 years was John Roemer - and that was a joint
> appointment with poli sci, which took the initiative
> in recruiting him.
> Doug

I bet his ability to practice the religion of mathematics played
some role in that.

By the way, not only prestigious is a relative concept but also I
am against this concept. Well, of course, this does not mean that
others have different views. And my issue with my leftist friends
is that they let these so-called prestigious departments to be
filled with some ignoramuses whose personal libraries mainly
consist of the text books they studied during their graduate
programs, together with Readers Digest magazine, of course? And
those ignoramuses infuence our daily lives, be it here in the US
or in Turkey or in Argentina or where have you.

It is time to revolt my friends, before it is too late.


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