G'day Michael, > Does anybody believe that W won't invade Iraq if the market is still down > a couple of months before the election?
I'm not sure a tenable invasion scenario is to be had for the foreseeable future, actually. I don't think Saudi Arabia would be well advised to allow an invasion force in (after all, that's where most of the hard-line neo-Wahhabist types whom America professes to be seeking out actually live, no? And their stocks would rise dangerously if Riyadh plays ball yet again.). Kuwait is not being helpful, and I believe Jordan has more or less publicly said no as of yesterday. I suppose Dubya has Ankara at his mercy, but there's a very long election campaign afoot there, and I'd be surprised if any party, no matter how desperate, would go along unless at least a couple of other significant governments in the Muslem world are up for it. And who'd that be? In short, this Iraq thingy may just not be doable. Cheers, Rob.