I don't understand the physics, but wasn't Newtonian physics transcended 
long before post-structuralism (by Einstein, a socialist, for one)? I'm not 
convinced by Irigarary that the _particular_ obstacle to better physics was 
masculinity, but in any case, I don't see how the _general_ point about the 
social construction of science and the rejection of pretensions to 
objectivity is a (new) achievement. Engels discussed flows in _Dialectics 
of Nature_, and Marx's _Capital_ is all about bourgeois objectivity.


> > Can someone name the main achievement of one author who has been
> > dubbed "post-structuralist"?
>the lads at http://www.adequacy.org had a go at claiming that Luce Irigaray
>anticipated Stephen Wolfram's "New Kind of Science": (I have added a couple
>of question marks to words which do not get through my firewall)

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