While mourning is genuine (including for the 19,000 children who die of 
malnutrition and related diseases in a world of plenty every day) there 
were many indications yesterday that the commemorations of Sept 11th were 
being choreographed for a world wide audience to prepare for war on Iraq. 
Very clear on breakfast television in London

The result of the internal battle  is now clear: within the Bush 
administration, the multilaterialists have won, with the help of Tony Blair 
- the USA should not go it alone, or if it does, it should not be until 
after trying to appeal to the United Nations for support.

Bush closing the ceremonies with the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop. 
Stretching the vow to avenge terrorism to a vow to attack tyrants with 
weapons of mass destruction. The timing of the announcement yesterday of 
the move of an operational centre to Qataar (sp?). The timing today, of the 
Bush speech to the United nations. The British defence minister being at 
the Pentagon commemorations yesterday; the announcement yesterday by Blair 
that he will recall Parliament for a debate on Iraq; the announcement today 
after meeting the leaders of the other two main British parties, of which 
day that will be - thereby keeping the story in the papers two days 
running, and coinciding with Bush's speech to the UN. Sheer Alistair 
Campbell choreography.

In which the religious and quasi religious images which are too sensitive 
to question, are all part of the politics of preparing for war.

  Very tricky for the left to counter this without in the first place 
analysing the steps, and secondly being prepared to divert the message, at 
some risk of violent counterattack.

Is it a good thing that Blair and the multilateralists have won? I do not 
know. Would there be less likelihood of war if Blair had not beavered 
around and instead left Bush to contemplate paranoid unilateral action? I 
do not know.

But there is a religious and a symbolic process going on here as well as 
news management. Iraq is being lined up to pay the "blood price" for 
September 11 even though there is no evidence that it was connected. The 
symbolic and mystical logic may be more powerful than any other logic.

Besides, if we do not think about that, there would be nothing to distract 
us from the fact that the world is sliding towards a general recession.

Chris Burford


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