The New York Times, September 20, 2002

Bush to Outline Doctrine of Striking Foes First

WASHINGTON, Sept. 19 — On Friday, the Bush administration will
publish its first comprehensive rationale for shifting American
military strategy toward pre-emptive action against hostile
states and terrorist groups developing weapons of mass
destruction. The strategy document will also state, for the first
time, that the United States will never allow its military
supremacy to be challenged the way it was during the cold war.

In the 33-page document, Mr. Bush also seeks to answer the
critics of growing American muscle-flexing by insisting that the
United States will exploit its military and economic power to
encourage "free and open societies," rather than seek "unilateral
advantage." It calls this union of values and national interests
"a distinctly American internationalism."

The document, titled "The National Security Strategy of the
United States," is one that every president is required to submit
to Congress. It is the first comprehensive explanation of the
administration's foreign policy, from defense strategy to global
warming. A copy of the final draft was obtained by The New York

It sketches out a far more muscular and sometimes aggressive
approach to national security than any since the Reagan era. It
includes the discounting of most nonproliferation treaties in
favor of a doctrine of "counterproliferation," a reference to
everything from missile defense to forcibly dismantling weapons
or their components. It declares that the strategies of
containment and deterrence — staples of American policy since the
1940's — are all but dead. There is no way in this changed world,
the document states, to deter those who "hate the United States
and everything for which it stands."

"America is now threatened less by conquering states than we are
by failing ones," the document states, sounding what amounts to a
death knell for many of the key strategies of the cold war.

One of the most striking elements of the new strategy document is
its insistence "that the president has no intention of allowing
any foreign power to catch up with the huge lead the United
States has opened since the fall of the Soviet Union more than a
decade ago."

"Our forces will be strong enough," Mr. Bush's document states,
"to dissuade potential adversaries from pursuing a military
buildup in hopes of surpassing, or equaling, the power of the
United States." With Russia so financially hobbled that it can no
longer come close to matching American military spending, the
doctrine seemed aimed at rising powers like China, which is
expanding its conventional and nuclear forces.

Administration officials who worked on the strategy for months
say it amounts to both a maturation and an explanation of Mr.
Bush's vision for the exercise of America power after 20 months
in office, integrating the military, economic and moral levers he

Much of the document focuses on how public diplomacy, the use of
foreign aid, and changes in the International Monetary Fund and
the World Bank can be used to win what it describes as a battle
of competing values and ideas — including "a battle for the
future of the Muslim world."

The president put the final touches on the new strategy last
weekend at Camp David after working on it for months with his
national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, and with other
members of the national security team. In its military
hawkishness, its expressions of concern that Russian reforms
could be undermined by the country's elite, and its focus on
bolstering foreign aid — especially for literacy training and
AIDS — it particularly bears the stamp of Ms. Rice's thinking.

A senior White House official said Mr. Bush had edited the
document heavily "because he thought there were sections where we
sounded overbearing or arrogant." But at the same time, the
official said, it is important to foreclose the option that other
nations could aspire to challenge the United States militarily,
because "once you cut off the challenge of military competition,
you open up the possibility of cooperation in a number of other

Still, the administration's critics at home and abroad will
almost certainly find ammunition in the document for their
argument that Mr. Bush is only interested in a multilateral
approach as long as it does not frustrate his will. At several
points, the document states clearly that when important American
interests are at stake there will be no compromise.

The document argues that while the United States will seek allies
in the battle against terrorism, "we will not hesitate to act
alone, if necessary, to exercise our right of self-defense by
acting pre-emptively." That includes "convincing or compelling
states to accept their sovereign responsibilities" not to aid
terrorists, the essence of the doctrine Mr. Bush declared on the
night of Sept. 11, 2001.

The White House delayed releasing the document this week so that
its lengthy discussion of conditions under which the United
States might take unilateral, pre-emptive action would not
dominate delicate negotiations in the United Nations or the
testimony of administration officials who appeared at
Congressional hearings to discuss Iraq.

The new strategy departs significantly from the last one
published by President Clinton, at the end of 1999.

Mr. Clinton's strategy dealt at length with tactics to prevent
the kind of financial meltdowns that threatened economies in Asia
and Russia. The Bush strategy urges other nations to adopt Mr.
Bush's own economic philosophy, starting with low marginal tax
rates. While Mr. Clinton's strategy relied heavily on enforcing
or amending a series of international treaties, from the 1972
Antiballistic Missile Treaty to the Comprehensive Nuclear Test
Ban Treaty to Kyoto protocols on the environment, Mr. Bush's
strategy dismisses most of those efforts.

In fact, the new document — which Mr. Bush told his staff had to
be written in plain English because "the boys in Lubbock ought to
be able to read it" — celebrates his decision last year to
abandon the ABM treaty because it impeded American efforts to
build a missile defense system. It recites the dangers of
nonproliferation agreements that have failed to prevent Iran,
North Korea, Iraq and other countries from obtaining weapons of
mass destruction, and says that the United States will never
subject its citizens to the newly created International Criminal
Court, "whose jurisdiction does not extend to Americans."

The document makes no reference to the Kyoto accord, but sets an
"overall objective" of cutting American greenhouse gas emissions
"per unit of economic activity by 18 percent over the next 10
years." The administration says that is a reasonable goal given
its view of the current state of environmental science. Its
critics, however, point out that the objective is voluntary, and
allows enormous room for American emissions to increase as the
American economy expands.

The doctrine also describes at great length the administration's
commitment to bolstering American foreign aid by 50 percent in
the next few years in "countries whose governments rule justly,
invest in their people and encourage economic freedom." It
insists that the programs must have "measurable results" to
assure that the money is actually going to the poor, especially
for schools, health care and clean water.

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