Title: RE: [PEN-L:30954] Re: Re: National Days of Resistance...

This sounds like the rally in L.A., but that one was much smaller. There was quite an ethnic mix in L.A., from Filipinos to Native Americans. Some excessive rhetoric, but no-one seemed to care (partly because it was hard to hear).


There was a good crowd in San Francisco -- average age quite low.  Lots
infants, some more young kids, and lots of people in the 17 - 23 age

    I can't estimate the crowd but I heard the number 10,000 offered on
radio.  The police were well behaved.

The signs led me to believe that people aren't very focused yet, and
appealing to rationality on the part of govt officials.

Gene Coyle

Ian Murray wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Diane Monaco" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > National Days of Resistance to War and Repression, Oct 6-7
> >
> > Nearly 500 marched in Toledo, Ohio from 2-3:30pm EDT today...with
> virtually
> > unlimited support for peace from the countless passing pedestrians
> > cars.  We jumped in coming from a youth soccer game -- let's hear it
> my
> > 8 year old who went the distance in soccer cleats against the hard
> > pavement...ouch...(forgot to throw the street shoes in the bag :)).
> >
> > Peace,
> >
> > Diane
> ===================
> About 8-10,000 in Seattle 1pm, still going as far as I know--left
> around 6pm........Lots of kids and families with great signs......
> Ian

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