In a message dated 1/7/2003 12:12:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> This idea of eliminating the tax on dividends is outrageous on 
> so many levels, one hardly knows where to start.  

Ellen, this is an awesome post!

> Second. To the extent that this puts pressure on firms to actually
> increase dividend payout, this means less funds available 
> internally for investment. 

I don't think this will even put pressure on firms to increase payouts, since 
dividends are already based more on individual profitability than competitiveness. I 
agree less funds will be used for investment or hiring though - dividends on stock can 
be used for other things - as part of executive incentive packages, deferred 
compensation packages - replacing the old amounts of stock with new amounts + 
non-taxed dividends. Also, since stock was the chief currency of acquisition 
throughout the 90s, not taxing dividends increases its currency value. So, more 
mergers which generally equal more job cuts.

> Third. Bush was quoted yesterday saying that this will
> encourage people to buy stocks and thus will encourage
> "investment." Which only makes sense if you don't know
> what investment means.

Yeah. Bush acting as equity analyst and promoting stock market investment is scary.

> Finally, while I'm on this rant, the plan is also said to contain
> funds for "re-employment" rather than "unemployment" insurance.
> The idea is that the unemployed would receive a lump-sum payment
> which they could use to seek work or retrain.  If they find work right
> away, they keep the money.  This, supposedly, eliminates the 
> "incentive to remain unemployed" of the current UI system.  
> So much
> for involuntary unemployment.

Can you explain the details of this part a bit more?

I just spoke with a laid off WorldCom worker. She hasn't found a job in 6 months and 
is supporting two kids and a husband who is on a donor list for a liver transplant, 
though they have no health insurance. Her car was repossessed and job interviews have 
not been forthcoming. Nothing voluntary about her unemployment. I can't imagine it's 
as hard for Bush to get up each day as it is for her.


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