Nomi writes:

>> So much for involuntary unemployment.
>Can you explain the details of this part a bit more?

Sorry for my cryptic economics terminology.  What I mean
is that ultimately, though they won't really say it because it
doesn't make sense when exposed to the light of reason, 
Repubs believe that most unemployment is "voluntary" --
that people would find work if only they would look harder,
rely less of guvmint hand-outs, be less choosy about
what jobs are acceptable.  (Like maybe if your WorldCom
friend didn't insist on health insurance....) As some right-
wing Chicago guy put it in an article I used to assign my
students -- if I lose my $70,000/year job and, rather than
take a job washing dishes for minimum wage, choose to
continue searching, then I am really voluntarily unemployed.
There are jobs, I could get one, but I choose to turn up my

The standard right-wing schtick is that the unemployed are
encouraged by social programs, left-wing rhetoric, labor
unions and (of course) unemployment compensation, to 
hold out for good-paying jobs when lower-paying jobs are
available.  This makes wages "sticky downward" and prolongs

So according to this morning's NYT, Bush's plan will
include a proposal to give unemployed workers $3000 
(instead of simply extending their unemployment benefits)
which they can either live on (yeah right) or they can keep 
after they get off their duffs and find a job.

>Finally, while I'm on this rant, the plan is also said to contain
>> funds for "re-employment" rather than "unemployment" insurance.
>> The idea is that the unemployed would receive a lump-sum payment
>> which they could use to seek work or retrain.  If they find work right
>> away, they keep the money.  This, supposedly, eliminates the 
>> "incentive to remain unemployed" of the current UI system.  
>I just spoke with a laid off WorldCom worker. She hasn't found a job in 6
>months and is supporting two kids and a husband who is on a donor list
>for a liver transplant, though they have no health insurance. Her car was
>repossessed and job interviews have not been forthcoming. Nothing
>voluntary about her unemployment. I can't imagine it's as hard for Bush
>to get up each day as it is for her.

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