FEBRUARY 13, 2003


Weighing Powell's Evidence
Some 60% of respondents to our online survey still don't think the Bush
Administration has made a persuasive case against Iraq

Despite the photos and documents that Secretary of State Colin Powell
unveiled at a meeting of the U.N. Security Council on Feb. 5, BusinessWeek
Online readers continue to be divided over the question of whether Iraq has
weapons of mass destruction -- and whether the U.S. should attack that
country to unseat dictator Saddam Hussein. Those are the findings of our
Feb. 6 Reader Survey.

Of the nearly 900 readers who participated in the survey, 96% said they're
aware of the evidence Secretary Powell presented.

Even so, a large percentage of those who responded weren't entirely swayed
by his presentation. In fact, 43% of those who replied remain unconvinced
that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction, vs. the 33% who are
totally convinced that he does. About 20% are somewhat convinced, now that
Secretary Powell has spoken.

The majority of those who participated -- 60% -- think the Bush
Administration still hasn't made a persuasive case that the U.S. should
attack Iraq, vs. the 31% who think it has. Here are the detailed results of
the survey, which as always was unscientific since anyone who wished to
could participate:

Are you aware of what Colin Powell said at the U.N.?

Total %
835      95.98 %
35        4.02 %

Based on the tape recordings and photos Secretary Powell cited, plus his own
comments, are you:

Total %

Totally convinced that Saddam Hussein has
weapons of mass destruction                                   289      33.07
Somewhat convinced                                               171
19.57 %
Unconvinced                                                           375
42.91 %
Not sure
39        4.46 %

Based on the evidence that Secretary Powell provided, do you think that the
U.S. should attack Iraq?

Total %
273       31.31 %
523       59.98 %
                                         Not sure
76         8.72 %

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