Industry is dying a slow, lonely death
The government has relied on market forces for too long

Larry Elliott
Wednesday March 12, 2003
The Guardian

What's left of the British steel industry was on the edge of the precipice
last night. Corus, the company that owns the former British Steel, said
further big job losses and plant closures were inevitable to stem losses
running at £400m.

Twenty years ago, the idea that a major steel plant faced the axe would
have been the cause for great soul searching. Thirty years ago, the plight
of manufacturing would have been seen as a reason for a change of
government policy. Yet today, the hollowing out of British industry
continues almost without comment. We are, it seems, living in a
post-industrial world where manufacturing has shrivelled in size and
importance. The new Britain is based on knowledge-based services and the
hi-tech end of manufacturing.

The Bank of England gave assessment in its latest inflation report of what
has been happening to manufacturing. We should not be surprised, the
report said, that manufacturing's share of the economy is declining,
because as countries become richer they spend proportionately more on
services and less on goods. What's more, globalisation has meant some
parts of UK manufacturing - the parts that are competing with low-cost
rivals elsewhere - have no real future. The "giant sucking sound" for UK
manufacturing is booming out from China, where exports rose by 18% a year
on average between 1983 and 2000. Back in 1970, less than 10% of
manufactured goods sold in the UK were made abroad; today the figure is
approaching 60%.

Finally, the Bank points out - correctly - that Britain is not the only
country where manufacturing has been falling. The US, France and Japan
have all seen similar declines. The difference, however, is that
manufacturing output has been rising in other developed countries, but the
service sector has been growing more rapidly. In Britain, recent years
have seen both a relative and an absolute fall.

Cambridge academic Bob Rowthorn is one who feels that the insouciant
attitude towards the withering away of Britain's manufacturing base is a
mistake. "Too much manufacturing capacity has been shed, and the failure
to develop a more dynamic manufacturing sector may eventually turn out to
have serious consequences for the balance of payments and the overall
prosperity of the country," he said last year. Almost 90% of the increase
in demand for manufactures in the late 1990s - a period when manufacturing
was doing less badly than it has been in the past two years - was met
through imports.

Explanations for this woeful performance are plentiful. It's the fault of
management, which is poorer here than elsewhere. It's the fault of the
unions, who are bolshier here. It's the fault of the strong pound. It's
the fault of the City, always looking for short-term returns. It's the
fault of the education system, pushing the brightest into anything other
than industry.

What's indisputable is that the malaise in manufacturing has been with us
for decades. Rowthorn points out that in 1973, the US produced an
estimated 22% more manufactured goods per head of population than the UK -
a significant but modest gap. By 2000 the difference was 91%. America is a
great manufacturing nation, he concludes. Britain is not.

Manufacturing matters for a number of reasons. It is a source of
innovation, rapid productivity growth, which has spillover effects into
other sectors of the economy. Exports of goods are still worth more than
five times exports of services, making a robust manufacturing sector
indispensable if we are to keep the current account deficit to manageable
levels. Finally, the growth in modern service industries has been
disproportionately concentrated in the already-wealthy south;
manufacturing's well-paid jobs are needed for regional regeneration.

The government's policy for manufacturing is to end boom and bust, thus
providing a climate of long-term stability in which manufacturing can
thrive. And it is a good dose of market forces. As Gordon Brown said last
month: "The best industrial policy for success in a global economy is to
help markets work better."

Industry is no longer impressed by such platitudes. It wants help in the
Budget to stimulate investment; it wants lower interest rates, it wants a
cheaper pound to make it worthwhile doing business. It wants an industrial
strategy and it wants it now. The idea that America's industrial
renaissance was purely down to market forces is plain wrong: there were
activist government procurement policies, there was military Keynesianism,
there was heavy spending channelled through the universities on research
and development, there was protectionism, there was a helpful
macro-economic climate of low interest rates and a cheap dollar in the
late 1980s and early 1990s. At Corus, those workers threatened with
redundancy will find the notion that the government has abolished boom and
bust utterly ridiculous. And even if it had, it would not be enough.

· Larry Elliott is the Guardian's economics editor


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