and a crisis of international law too:

Blair is plunging Britain into a crisis of democracy

Threat of war has created an unprecedented globalisation of public opinion

Seumas Milne
Thursday March 13, 2003
The Guardian

This has already been a desperate week for Tony Blair. First, his handling
of the Iraq crisis was openly denounced as "reckless" by a member of his
own cabinet, Clare Short. He then advertised his growing political
weakness by failing to sack her, emboldening parliamentary defiance and
triggering the first calls by Labour MPs for his replacement. The
following day, as Blair was slow handclapped by a television audience, the
French president, Jacques Chirac, appeared to close off Blair's last hope
of any new UN security council resolution that could be presented as
authorising war by declaring: "Whatever the circumstances, France will
vote no."

Now, most gallingly of all, the prime minister has been stabbed in the
back by the very US administration for whom he has put his own leadership
on the line. By publicly calling into question Blair's ability to join a
US attack on Iraq, Donald Rumsfeld was clearly signalling the Pentagon's
impatience with the chaotic diplomatic quadrille in New York and letting
it be known that Blair's usefulness to his US patrons may be close to
being exhausted. Some have suggested the US defence secretary was merely
trying to be helpful, but given Downing Street's frenzied reaction and
Rumsfeld's unilateralist convictions, that seems deeply implausible.

The two sides were busy talking down the transatlantic rift yesterday, but
the worst of the week may not yet be behind Blair. President Bush has
insisted there will be a vote on a new security council resolution by the
weekend. The terms of the ultimatums being cooked up for it - including a
requirement that Saddam Hussein gives a televised confession of his
mendacity - make clear it is designed to be rejected by the Iraqi regime
and pave the way for an immediate US invasion. And unless Chirac decides
to perform a self-defeating volte-face, the expectation must be that the
resolution - now mainly being fought for to save Tony Blair's political
skin - will be vetoed.

If he sticks with the US none the less, Blair will then find himself at
the heart of the political nightmare he has so long hoped to avoid: facing
a likely wave of resignations from government, a parliamentary rebellion
that might leave him dependent on Tory support, an explosion of mass
opposition in the country and the likelihood of a challenge to his
position as prime minister. He would also be party to an act of aggression
that the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, warned on Monday would be a
violation of the UN charter and therefore illegal.

Without an explicit UN resolution backing war, Blair will face a choice.
He could try to ride out the tide of opposition in the hope that the war
would be short, the known casualties relatively few and the military
occupation at least initially welcomed on the streets of Iraqi cities.
Alternatively, but improbably, he could perform a historic u-turn and
refuse to take part in an unlawful at tack opposed by a clear majority of
the British people. A third option would be to go for a low profile backup
role in a US invasion of the kind floated by Rumsfeld and certainly
discussed in Downing Street as a possible fallback position over the past
few weeks - though that might seem the worst of both worlds, neither
pacifying opponents nor offering full entitlement to the political and
commercial spoils.

But whichever way he turns, the prime minister will not avoid being
seriously damaged by the fallout, either at home or abroad. He is after
all a leader who has staked everything on the benefits of his embrace of
the Bush administration, his moral determination to act against Saddam
Hussein, his ability to lead his own people, his commitment to
multilateral action through the UN, his credibility as a principled
international statesman. Some, or even most, of these hopelessly inflated
claims will not survive the conflagration of the coming weeks. And it is
not only Blair, but his government as a whole, that will be irreversibly
weakened as a result.

That it has come to this pass is the product of a sustained failure of
political judgement from which Blair's reputation can never fully recover.
The prime minister now knows that he has decisively lost the battle for
public opinion. And as the UN inspectors oversee the destruction of Iraqi
missiles, the latest polls suggest that scepticism about the case for war
is actually hardening. Blair nevertheless shows every sign of intending to
send British troops to war without the consent of the British people. The
prime minister argued this week that "you can't actually take these
decisions simply by opinion polls". And of course, when it comes to many
decisions in government - involving conflicting public views and the need
for policy coherence - that argument has some force. But it has no force
whatever in the the case of war on Iraq, which has been trailed and
exhaustively debated for getting on for a year and about which public
opinion has been remarkably consistent all along.

When it comes to issues of life and death, a country's fundamental
relationship with the rest of the world and what Blair himself regards as
international morality, it is simply absurd to argue that settled public
opinion should not be decisive in a democracy. Blair insists that history
will be his judge - which may be true in the long run, but in the meantime
that role will played by the British people.

A majority say they now regard their prime minister as an American
poodle - in other words, the agent of a foreign power - while almost half
the British people believe the US is currently the greatest threat to
peace in the world. Any doubts as to where the real impetus for war on
Iraq came from should have been dispelled by the pattern of events in the
aftermath of September 11 2001. For months, Downing Street and Foreign
Office officials ridiculed the background chatter coming out of Washington
that Iraq would be the next target in the war on terror. Then about a year
ago, the briefers went into abrupt reverse - when the US administration
took the decision to go for Iraq.

The looming war has plunged Britain into a crisis of sovereignty as well
as of democracy. But even if it's sharpest in Britain, because of Blair's
role as senior cheerleader for the US, that crisis is also a global one.
Across the world, public opinion is now overwhelmingly opposed to war on
Iraq, as measured in countless opinion polls, including in those states -
such as in eastern Europe - hailed by the Bush administration for
supporting US war plans. With the shaky exceptions of Israel and the US
itself, there now appears to be no country in the world where a majority
backs war on Iraq without UN authorisation. As the established
international institutions buckle under the weight, we are witnessing an
unprecedented globalisation of public opinion. Those who defy it may find
they pay a far higher price than expected.


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