Yoshie writes:
>One can also surmise that the USG was well aware that the era of
theocracy is coming to an end in Iran. Having captured Afghanistan,
and now conquering Iraq, it will be soon in a position to invade Iran
from both east and west, crushing any secular democratic state in
Iran, if one arises and acquires a left-wing character.<
at the same time, the era of theocracy is starting in the US, with a president who invokes his god if there's a hat dropping anywhere in the world, "faith-based initiatives," and the wrecking of government schools (etc.) so that religious groups have to step in to fill the gap...
hopefully, the non-evangelicals will counteract the fundies...
BTW, I wish that people wouldn't attack this fellow Zizek as a way to attack other people on pen-l. This Aesopian way of writing produces such bizarre events as when I criticized Stalin a month or so ago and discovered that a pen-ler interpreted this as an attack on _him_!
It also encourages me to read Zizek, to see what the hullabaloo is about.
Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] & http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine
stop the war now!