BTW, I wish that people wouldn't attack this fellow Zizek as a way to attack other people on pen-l. This Aesopian way of writing produces such bizarre events as when I criticized Stalin a month or so ago and discovered that a pen-ler interpreted this as an attack on _him_!
I don't "attack other people". I attack ideas. When I told you that I resented Stalin being dragged by the moustache into your replies to me, it was because I regarded it as a false amalgam. In any case, since Henwood has said dozens of times on this list and others that he has killfiled me, I didn't think it would hurt to comment on a very public figure. Obviously I was wrong and I will resort to my previously announced policy of avoiding critical remarks directed against Michael Hardt, Toni Negri, Slajov Zizek, Marc Cooper, Judith Butler, Pierre Bourdieu, the Rethinking Marxism school, or anybody else that Henwood favors just to keep the peace.
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