Title: FW: useful web resources re Iraq

my friend Jennifer Olmstead sent me the following.

Jim Devine [EMAIL PROTECTED] &  http://bellarmine.lmu.edu/~jdevine
stop the war now!

Hi all,
As someone who has been studying the Middle East for quite some time, I
feel compelled during this time of war, to send out this E-mail with what I
hope you will find to be some worthwhile links, providing more historical
context, as well as hinting about what the likely aftermath of this war is
likely to be.

Two articles that provide excellent discussions of the recent history of
Iraq and US/Iraqi relations are:

"Why Another War?" available at


I am providing the above, general link, since this cite has many other
interesting ME articles. From there you can click on the Why another War?


"Understanding the US-Iraq Crisis"


If you are interested in seeing the original document that sparked some
recent discussions of the close links between Bush's current advisors and
Israel, the following may be of interest.

In particular, see section titled "Moving to a Traditional Balance of Power

This is the original document upon which much of the current speculation is
based. It's a paper written for Netanyahu in the mid 1990s, by Perle, Feith
and Wurmser, all currently close advisors to Bush, that outlines the need
to get rid of Saddam Hussein (with the suggestion of replacing him with
members of the Hashemite family, who know rule Jordan).

Also of interest might be webpages hinting at increased anger globally and
a potential economic backlash, due to this war.  See, for instance various
webpages now advocating a boycott of US products, either domestically or

http://www.bethecause.org  (US based)

http://www.adbusters.org/ (Canadian)

http://www.consumers-against-war.de/ (Germany)


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