--- "David S. Shemano" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael Perelman writes:
> >> Do lawyers really limit transactions costs. I
> thought that they maximized
> >> billable hours.
> If we didn't add value, why would we be hired?
> David Shemano

Well, cynically, lots of folks say we write the rules
to ensure that we will be hired, that it's a huge
device for extracting rent. I mean, for example, why
should you need a lawyer for an uncontested divorce,
hmm? Just f'instance.

Now, at my firm, there's a reasonable amount of
pressure to minimize billables on any matter. Of
course you're supposed to meet your 2000 p.a., but we
are very conscious about not overbilling the client.
So much that there is a firm policy to actually bill
the hrs you actually work, because lawyers here have a
tendency to say, well, that should have only taken me
2 hrs, I worked inefficiently, I'll bill 'em for only
2. They have to tell you not to do that. If you bill
200 on a matter that the billing partner thinks should
have taken fifty, there will be a discussion.

This isn't to say that the incentive Michael talks
about doesn't exist. Btw, David, are you a  litigator
or a transactional lawyer?


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