It’s time to “clean house in Sacramento,” AS said after announcing his
gubernatorial candidacy.

Translation: Cut social spending to improve business.

More government support for employers.  Less government aid for workers and
those out of a job.

Seth Sandronsky

Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2003 15:20:45 EDT From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: California/whose running . . .morphing

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In a message dated 8/7/03 10:31:24 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

My democracy is a life force - praxis. I have pen and will travel. This
California thing is exciting and dangerous. I will go to work because
democracy means contacting people and creating the next "infrastructure of
battle." No matter who I end up working for, and I am not opposed to Larry
Flynt, - although Arnold scares the hell out of me, my agenda is working
politics. Here is an opportunity - during an authentic political crisis, to
fight to begin shaping a class program. This means food, shelter, clothing,
transportation, medical care, educational issues, energy question and how
to make "ends meet."

Arnold S. scares me to death. I love his movies but the American people have
to be told why they cannot elect a "Terminator."  This is not a Marxist
analysis but gut political instinct. From California to the President. I
have a
very bad feeling about California. Who is Arnold going to terminate?

None of this stuff can be found in a book. Books help shape perspective. I
probably wrong and want to be wrong but this feels like a political juncture
in our history.

God, I hope we do not look back twenty years from now and day, California
our political Stalingrad. Then again I am probably being to emotional but my
freaking bags are packed and I am not going quietly into the night.

I have a very bad feeling about this one . . .  this "thing" in California.
Time to pack them carpet bags boys and girls.

Melvin P.

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